“We will now make our manners to the deputy commander in chief, U.S. Forces, European Theatre. With a little luck, he will be cordial, and the Air Force major will see that you have friends in high places and decide it’s highly unlikely that people like you and me would be sneaking Nazis—or anyone else—out of Germany. That may very well come in handy when you are trying to sneak your buddy Konstantin through his airport.”

The convoy stopped. Drivers jumped out and opened doors. General Walter Bedell Smith, Rear Admiral Sidney W. Souers, and a full colonel wearing the insignia of an aide-de-camp to a four-star general got out of the Packard Clipper.

Frade saluted crisply.

“Good morning, sir!” he barked.

Smith, Souers, and the aide-de-camp returned the salute.

“Ready to go, are we, Frade?” Souers said.

“We just got here ourselves, sir. But we should be.”

“I don’t think you have met Colonel Frade, have you, Beetle?” Souers said. “And I know you haven’t met Captain Cronley.”

Brigadier General John Magruder and Colonel Jack Mullaney got out of the Buick and walked quickly up to them, obviously determined not to miss anything.

They arrived in time to hear General Smith ask, “The officer who found the U-234?”

“Yes, sir,” Frade said. “That’s him.”

“Well done, son,” General Smith said, pumping Jimmy’s hand.

“Thank you, sir,” Cronley said.

Gonzalo Delgano came down the stairs. He was wearing his SAA uniform.

“Don Cletus, we’re ready to go anytime you are.”

“Gentlemen, this is Captain Delgano,” Frade said. “South American Airways chief pilot.”

Hands were shaken.

The drivers of the staff cars carried luggage aboard.

“Have a nice flight,” General Smith said.

“Thank you for all your courtesies and hospitality,” Admiral Souers said.

He shook Cronley’s hand and then waved for Frade to precede him up the stairs.

Clete put his hand out to Jimmy and said, “We’ll be in touch.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Aw, hell,” Frade said. “In Argentina, men can kiss their friends.”

He hugged Jimmy and wetly kissed his cheek.

“Be careful, Little Brother,” Frade said, then quickly climbed the stairs. Admiral Souers followed him.

“Only a Marine would dare to do that,” General Smith said, chuckling.

“Captain Cronley,” Major Johansen said, “if you refuel your aircraft here, the Constellation will have to wait until you’re finished.”

“Then let me get out of here,” Cronley said.

“Why don’t we all get out of the way?” General Smith said, and motioned for his aide-de-camp to get into the Packard.