“Sir, I’m confused.”

“The order calls for the dispersion of our assets, human and otherwise, to the Army, the Department of State, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and, so help me God, the Treasury Department,” Mattingly went on. “For example, I have been sent back to the Army, which in its wisdom has assigned me to the CIC, specifically as deputy commander, CIC, USFET.”

And Major Connell has heard that.

That is why he’s so afraid of Mattingly.

“There was a flicker of interest in your eyes just now, Cronley. Why?”

What do I do now?

“Don’t give that question serious consideration, Lieutenant. Answer with what popped into your mind.”

When in doubt, tell the truth.

“Sir, I was thinking that Major Connell has probably heard about that.”

Mattingly nodded, then made a go on gesture.

“That’s why he’s so afraid of you,” Cronley said.

Harry chuckled, and Cronley saw that First Sergeant Dunwiddie was smiling.

At my stupidity?

“You picked up on that, did you?” Mattingly said, with a faint smile. “For your general fund of knowledge, Cronley, it is often useful to have people be a little—or a lot—afraid of you.”

Cronley didn’t reply.

“We may now move into that area classified as Top Secret–Presidential, Cronley. But I think I should ask for advice. Tiny?”

“My people have always held Aggies in high regard, Colonel,” Dunwiddie said. “I’ll vote yes. But one question for the lieutenant, sir?”

Mattingly nodded.

“How well do you get along with Negroes, Lieutenant?” Dunwiddie asked.

What the hell does he mean by that?

His mouth ran away with him.

“When they’re as large as you, Sergeant, I try to be very obliging.”

“That being the case, Colonel,” Dunwiddie said, “I vote yes.”


Harry was now smiling broadly.

“Colonel,” he said, “I would suggest that anyone who was expelled at fourteen for bootlegging and running a poker game is our kind of guy.”

Mattingly nodded and turned to the man in the ill-fitting German suit.



“I would suggest that this young officer—and not only because of his command of the German language—would be quite suitable for our needs, Colonel.”