“I didn’t expect to see you again in here,” he said, and then, involuntarily, “Jesus, be careful!”

“Sorry,” she said, and moved up the bed so that her face was beside his.

“You could have stayed awake,” she said coyly.

“I didn’t think you were coming,” he said.

Actually, I was delighted that I didn’t think you would.

“I told you, he wants to weep on the manly chest of his lover.”

“And he won’t be back?”

“Not for a while,” she said. “Did you like what I was doing?”

“If I could get you in my suitcase, I’d take you along as my alarm clock,” he said.

“Not me, darling. I love you, but not enough to go to Berlin with you.”

“I’m crushed.”

“Maybe to Brazil,” she said.

And then she straddled him, and he was no longer in the mood to rehash a conversation they’d already had.


Calle Martín 404

Carrasco, Uruguay

0805 3 May 1943

Inge was shaking his arm. He opened his eyes and looked at her. It took him a moment to realize that it was light, and that she was fully dressed.

He did not remember her leaving his bed.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said. “You didn’t answer my knock.”


“Breakfast in fifteen minutes, all right?”

“Fine. Thank you very much.”

She walked out of the room, wiggling her rear end for his benefit.

He got out of bed and took a long hot shower and shaved. The mirror told him he looked like a man who hadn’t gotten much sleep.

When he went down to the dining, he saw that Sturmbannführer Werner von Tresmarck looked very much the same.

Frau von Tresmarck looked as if she had spent a long, restful, and entirely satisfying night in bed.

There was nothing in von Tresmarck’s attitude that suggested he knew Peter had been anything but a houseguest.

Does that mean he doesn’t know, or suspect? Or that if he knows, or suspects, he doesn’t care?

After they reached the embassy, von Tresmarck announced that there was no reason for them to come inside and they could wait in the car; but soon after entering the building, he returned to announce that Ambassador Schulker wanted to see Peter.