Room 305

Dr. Cosme Argerich Military Hospital

Calle Luis María Campos

Buenos Aires

0905 22 December 1942

Clete was lying on the bed, reading La Nación and sipping at a cup of coffee, when he heard the locked door being opened. Enrico, whom he thought was sound asleep, was instantly awake, with the Remington in his hands.

El Teniente Coronel Bernardo Martín stepped into the room, carrying a small suitcase. After a moment, Clete recognized it; it was his. Martí

n looked at Enrico and his ready shotgun with approval.

“Buenos días, Suboficial Mayor,” Martín said dryly, then switched to English. “How are you this morning, Mr. Frade?”

“I’m fine, thank you. A little bored.”

“Well, the doctors tell me that you can leave the hospital,” Martín said.

What doctors? I haven’t seen a doctor since the one who hacked away at me when I got here.

“So I have taken the liberty of bringing you some of your things from the Guest House.”

He laid the suitcase on the bed.

“Thank you,” Clete said. “You mean, I’m free to go?”

Martín ignored the question. “I hope that you will report to the man from your embassy that you have been well-treated here.”

“What man from the embassy?”

“Your embassy seems extraordinarily concerned with your welfare,” Martín said. “As soon as the story of your encounter with the burglars appeared in the Herald, they started making quite a nuisance of themselves, first at the Policía Federal, and lately at the Foreign Ministry.”

“Is that so?”

“There’s a Consular Officer, a man named Spiers, waiting downstairs to see you now. He was told you’re being given a final physical examination, which should be over about half past nine. Will that give you time for a shower and a shave? Or shall I have him told you’ll be a little longer?”

“You didn’t answer my question. Am I free to go?”

“Certainly, now that we are sure you are in the best of health, and the Policía Federal have concluded their investigation of the unfortunate incident on Avenida Libertador.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you for your cooperation,” Martín said. “You might be interested to know that the criminals have been identified. Both of them have long criminal records, including a history of armed robbery. The Policía Federal will not miss them.”

“Thank you again.”

“May I make a suggestion?”

“Of course.”

“Your Consular Officer might misinterpret Sergeant Major Rodríguez’s shotgun. Would you feel comfortable if he put it away? I assure you that adequate protection for you is in place.”

Clete shrugged his shoulders.

“Here and at your home. The Policía Federal are more than a little embarrassed that such a terrible incident could have happened on Avenida Libertador at the home of one of our more prominent citizens. I feel sure that for the next month, at least, the area will be heavily patrolled.”