“No, I’m afraid not.”

“I’m looking for Herr Ernst Klausner, formerly of Berlin. Have I the right home?”

Concern came back in her eyes.

“My father will be here at six,” the girl said. “Perhaps it would be better, mein Herr, if you came back then.”

“The Frau Klausner I am looking for is named Inge,” Ettinger said.

From her eyes, Ettinger could see that he had hit home, but the concern in her eyes did not go away, and she didn’t respond directly.

“It would be better, mein Herr, if you came back when my father is here. At six, or a little after.”

“And if this is the home of Ernst and Inge Klausner, then you would be Sarah,” Ettinger said. “Who I last saw as a small child.”

She looked intently into his eyes. They were frightened, and he was sorry he had said what he had.

“Please,” the girl said. “Come in. I will telephone to my father.”



“Who is this?”

“An old friend from Berlin, Ernst. David Ettinger.”

“Ach du lieber Gott!”

“Wie geht’s, Ernst?”

“You got out!”


“And your father and mother?”

“Mother is in New York. The others…”

There was a long silence.

“How did you find me?”

“Your daughter was kind enough to call you for me.”

“You are at my home?”


There was another perceptible pause.

He doesn’t like me being here.

“I can’t leave here now, David. Could you come back to the house tonight? After six?”

“I have nothing else to do. I could wait for you.”

“Of course,” Ernst said. “Have you money, David? There is some in the house. I will tell Sarah to get you something to eat…”