Page 56 of If I Can't Have You

“Shut up,” I tell him. “Just shut up and kiss me again.”

I’ve wanted this for days, for weeks, for months. I’ve craved it like a drug addict who needs a quick fix.

And he does kiss me again. This time more hungrily. More sensually. More erotically.

Before I realize what’s happening we’re in his dorm. “Where’s your roommate?” I ask, breathless and Elliot pulls my shirt over my head.

“He’s never here.” Elliot gasps as he rips his own shirt off.

His mouth rests against my cheekbone and his raspy breathing fills my ears. He lays me down his bed and he hovers above me. My hands slide up over his muscled abs and I pull him closer to me. His skin is smooth and soft and my fingertips trail down his back. He brushes his lips against my neck and I feel like I’m about to explode, so full of love and desire that I can’t handle it.

I want to feel him inside of me, a passionate haze of himself thrusting into me, melting into me, and numbing me until I can’t remember any other guy’s name but his.

My legs tremble as he slides down my underwear and his fingers glide over my abdomen.

Then he stops, resting his lips against my ear and whispers, “I love you, Robin.”

He moves away from my ear and I stare up at his face, illuminated by the light of the moon beaming in from the window. I pull him down to my level, his lips only centimeters away from mine. “I love you too, Elliot.” I think I always have.

Sometimes love can happen in the blink of an eye. So fast that you barely notice it at first. It flickers like a tiny spark before roaring into a raging bonfire. And then it finally reaches that point you’re covered in flames. I’ve been that way for a while. I feel like I’ve been burning forever.

Elliot presses into me and I choke on a sob. This moment is too perfect, so amazing, and beautiful and right that the only thing I can do is cry. Elliot looks at me a flash of concern in his eyes. “Am I hurting you, Robin?” He backs up slightly. “If I am I’ll stop.”

“No.” I pull him closer and my lips flutter against his. I want his body to melt against mine. I want to be so lost in making love with him that I can’t think clearly.

I cry harder and Elliot leans down kissing my tears away. “Please don’t cry, Robin. You’re breaking my heart.”

He begins moving inside of me. He’s gentle, careful, and delicate. And as he thrusts his hips move rhythmically and I gasp and bite my lip. This is sinful and delicious and mind altering.

Elliot picks up his pace and his breaths quicken. He rests his chin in the crook of my neck and his raspy breaths fill my ears. His hot breath trails over my earlobe working its’ way down my spine and setting my body ablaze with burning desire. Then he smothers his mouth against mine and my lips part allowing his tongue to gently brush against mine. He pulls out of the kiss, resting his lips against mine and whispers. “You’re so beautiful. I love you.”

And I’m crying again, so in awe and so moved by his words that I can’t respond.

He grips my thighs and I hike my hips up higher, meeting his thrust for thrust. He blankets me with his warm, chiseled body. He’s a down comforter and I love being wrapped up in him. I hope he keeps me warm forever.

I turn my head to the side and exhale. Elliot places two of his fingers and turns my head so I’m facing him. “Look at me,” he says.

And I want to tell him; believe me, it’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that my emotions are all over the place and I don’t want to be making love to him and staring into his eyes while sobbing like a child.

I’ve always thought there was something truly beautiful about sharing this part of yourself with someone, but I never expected it to hit me like this.

Is it possible to love someone too much?

Tears trickle down my cheeks and Elliot kisses them away. “Look at me, Robin,” he murmurs as his moist, full lips brush against mine.

I choke on a sob and sigh, “I can’t.”

“You have to.”

More tears. “Why?”

“You need to see how much I love you.” He runs his fingers through my hair and they brush against my forehead. His touch makes my blood simmer and my skin tingle all over. “You need to see it in my eyes.”

I blink back some more tears and they roll down the corners of my eyes. Elliot leaves a trail of kisses from my collar bone to my ear and I arch my back as a shiver of delight whips through me and Elliot snakes his arms around my back, pulling me closer.

Inside I’m screaming, kiss me again! Please!

And he does. He kisses me deeply and passionately. Two mouths molding together.