I’ve had it. “What in the hell do you mean, him?” I shout and ball up my fists. “And no, I’m not going to make it anywhere in time if you don’t move.”

Adonis closes his eyes for a second and opens his mouth to reply, but I take that as an open opportunity to sprint past him. I don’t make it very far. He grips on to my waist and tackles me, pinning me down on the grass. I thrash violently and almost blast him in the jaw. I only miss it by a centimeter. “I’m sorry, Persephone. But you’re not going anywhere.” He eases up off me and sits back on his knees. “I’ve been given strict instructions to watch you and make sure you don’t go anywhere.”

I don’t even know what to say. I’m baffled. I’ve been living next door to someone I thought I knew. “What is going on?” I shout. “You’d better start talking!”

Adonis shakes his head and stands. “There are things you don’t know.” Adonis extends his hand to me. I slap it away, enraged. The rage is mixed with worry. I have to swallow it. I can’t let my temper get the best of me. With every second that passes I feel like Hades is slipping farther and farther away. I close my eyes and hear him. Come to me. And I’m trying, believe me, I’m trying.

I stand slowly and glare at Adonis and I hope he can see how much I loathe him right now.

His eyes pierce mine and he cocks his head to the side, wearing a cocky grin. “You can’t run, Persephone because even if you do I’ll find you.”

I stagger backwards, mouth gaping and gasp. “What are you?”

“It’s not about what I am,” he replies, “It’s about who I am.” He takes me by the arm and guides me back to the front door. My time is dwindling down. I can feel Hades getting farther and farther away, slipping through my grasp. His voice fades, almost and echo.

“Adonis,” I plead. “You need to let me go. I have to help him.”

Adonis pushes me through the front door without responding to me and forces me onto the couch. He sits down across from me on a plush, reclining chair and cocks his head to the side. “I need to tell you a secret,” he says. “I’m not who you think I am.”