Was it because he took her? Or were there issues that ran deeper than that? Hades knew he and Zeus had always had a rocky relationship, but why start a war now?

And what plagued him more than anything was that Demeter and Zeus knew that Hades would be able to snatch Persephone eventually. He thought of the multiple times where he’d visited Demeter and assured her it would only be a matter of time until he would succeed. And Demeter put up a hell of a fight. She was always prepared, always ready to pack up her things and move, throwing Hades off her trail.

A repetitive flapping noise distracted Hades and as the noise cut out, he turned toward the dining hall table, and took notice in an eagle with brown feathers and a white breast as it perched itself on the edge. Hades shook his head, looking away as a scowl curled on his lips. “Show your true form, Zeus,” he demanded with a snarl. “There’s no point in hiding it.”

When Hades glanced back at the bird from over his shoulder the bird was gone and in its place was the mighty God of God’s, the father of all the immortals, dressed in a dapper navy blue business suit. Zeus was all business most of the time. Yes, sometimes he was fun, but more business than anything. “How did you get down here?” The coldness in Hades tone was frosty like too many layers of ice on a frozen lake. “Why didn’t you just send the messenger?”

“Because I thought you might kill him.” Zeus howled out with laughter at his own pun and Hades leered at him. The joke wasn’t funny for two reasons; one, because Zeus knew Hades couldn’t kill Hermes and two because Hades despised the fact that Zeus always had someone else doing his dirty work. At least when Hades did something despicable, he mapped out a plan to carry out the idea on his own.

“What do you want Zeus?” Hades gazed back into the fire, lost in thought. For a moment, he swore he saw her. He swore he saw Persephone dancing around in the whirling flames with a radiant smile on her face and the illusion made his heart ache.

“I want this,” said Zeus. “All of this.” He twirled his finger in the air, motioning to their surroundings.

Hades stepped away from the fireplace and lurched closer. “This? My realm?” The father of all nodded with a sadistic smile. Zeus had always been a power hungry God, but now he was going too far. “You can’t have it!” Hades snapped and he felt the fire of rage unfurling inside of him. “I will not give it up without a fight!”

“Oh. You’ll give it up.” Zeus lowered his voice.

Hades remembered the hatred that ran deep for Zeus when he’d first condemned him to this realm, but after thousands of years Hades had grown fond of his kingdom and he was not giving it up just because Zeus was on a power trip. “Never.” The finality in Hades voice made Zeus’s eyes widen a tiny bit. “What about Poseidon? Will you take the sea too?”

Zeus tapped his chin with his forefinger, thinking. “Perhaps, but that’s a different war for a different day.”

“You’re worse than I am,” Hades hissed. Everyone always thought that Hades was the cruelest of the God’s just because of his job, but Zeus had him beat. But unlike Hades, Zeus was able to hide his despicable side and he had one thing Hades normally didn’t compassion.

The God of the Sky smiled, a fake sickening smile that made Hades stomach churn. “I take that as a compliment.”

Hades had always believed that everything happened for a reason so there was no need for compassion and as he observed Zeus it appeared that his compassion had been waning as well. “Hades, you need to come with me,” said Zeus, motioning in a come-hither gesture.

Hades’ eyes wandered around the dining room. This was his palace. This was his world. He did not want to give it up. He did not want to leave. “And if I don’t come with you, what then? Is this really because I took her? You knew I would eventually. You knew—I.”

“It’s not just because you took her. This goes deeper than that,” Zeus interrupted.

Hades didn’t like the way he’d answered his questions. His vagueness was annoying. “Answer me, Zeus. And what if I don’t come with you willingly? What if I put up a fight?”

Zeus narrowed his eyes and held out his palms. Hades watched as his fingertips spit out white lines of electricity, snapping and cracking before whirling around in circle. Then her image appeared. She was sleeping and the hard look Hades was wearing faded away. She looked so peaceful, and beautiful, and Hades swore that he saw her mumble his name in her sleep. Suddenly Zeus lowered his hands and the ball of electricity evaporated along with the image. “You will come with me,” Zeus said with adamant tone. “Or I’ll kill her.”

“You can’t kill her,” Hades whispered harshly.

Zeus let out a long sinister laugh. “Have you forgotten who I am Hades?” he asked with a scowl. “I created her. I can most definitely kill her.”

Hades balled up his fists and gritted his teeth, hatred pounded through him, numbing everything inside of him. “You wouldn’t.”

“You underestimate me, Hades.” Zeus clutched his arm and squeezed. Then in a low, eerily frightening voice he said, “I would.”

In that moment Hades knew he had to do something drastic to save her. He had to something to ensure Zeus wouldn’t hurt her. And that something was breaking Persephone’s heart.


Persephone. I hear him again half-way through my slumber. The sound of his deep, beautiful voice lures me from my bed. I’m walking, down the stairs, through the hall and my eyes open abruptly when I arrive in the kitchen.

“You,” I gasp. “You’re here.”

“Not really,” he says.

He’s sitting at the kitchen table; smiling and I beam at the sight of his smile. I start toward him. Then he frowns and right before I reach him, he holds out his hand, palm up. “Don’t come any closer.” Pain twists in his voice and he looks down trying to hide the emotion on his face.

“Why?” I choke out. My insides are a towering inferno of agony. Put out my fire. Touch me. Smother the blaze with your fingertips. “You called to me. Didn’t you… Didn’t you,” I stutter, stunned by the way he’s acting. “Why did you call my name if you didn’t want to see me?”

He skims his fingers across my cheeks and eases the burning. I close my eyes and moan softly, kissing his palm. He yanks his hand away and star