“Your faith means everything to me”—I stretched an arm out to grab the jewelry box I’d stowed in the bedside table a few days ago to slip the engagement ring on Mia’s finger—“but be prepared to hear how much I love you every single day for the rest of your life.”

“That was so beautiful.” Tears spilled down her cheeks. “But I think you forgot the question part of the proposal.”

“You’re already mine, sweetheart.” Even before she gave me her virginity, she had been. “I’m just making it official.”

“I’ll answer you anyway.” The smile she beamed at me was more brilliant than any other she’d given me. “Yes! A million times, yes!”



As I walked across the stage during graduation, I heard my husband and our friends cheering me on. After I shook the dean’s hand, I lifted my diploma up high and beamed a smile in Tyler’s direction. One of his hands was in the air as he celebrated my success, but the other was pressed against our baby girl’s back. Bridget was strapped to his chest, her tiny fists waving around.

As happy as I was when I found out I was pregnant, I’d also been more than a little freaked out. I still had two semesters of college to finish, and I hadn’t been sure if I was ready to be a mom yet. But Tyler had been my rock, soothing my fears and helping me come up with a plan.

It had been easier than I expected to push back one of my semesters. The timing had actually turned out to be kind of ideal because I gave birth to Bridget toward the end of the summer. I was able to spend several months at home with her before I started back at school for the spring semester, and then I had another three months off before I finished my degree. Even better, Jaelyn opted to stay home with the kids after she had Kacie, so we had someone to care for Bridget on the days when I had class or clinicals and Tyler was at the station.

Bridget was my only blood relative in the audience, but I didn’t feel the lack when I joined my friends and family after the ceremony. I’d found where I belonged when I met Tyler.

His cousin, Vi, was there, along with his sister and mom. I’d gotten to know them well over the past two years and was as close with them as I was Jaelyn and Kaia, who were there with their husbands and kids.

“Congratulations!” the women cried, surging forward to give me a big group hug.

Tyler broke the embrace up about thirty seconds later, twirling me around and pulling me close. Bridget was sandwiched between us, which was exactly where she wanted to be. Our little girl loved her mommy and daddy, and she was as territorial with our time as Tyler had always been with me.

“I’m so proud of you, sweetheart,” Tyler said as he leaned close to kiss my cheek.

“Mama,” Bridget squealed, smacking her lips for a kiss of her own. I bent down and trailed kisses over her chubby cheeks, making her laugh. She puckered her lips and gave me kisses back when I pressed my cheek against her mouth.

“Thank you, baby girl.”

“Mama,” she squealed again, reaching for me.

I gently pulled her from the baby carrier and snuggled her into my side. Her fist went straight for the top of my gown, reaching down to burrow into my cleavage. “I swear, she loves my boobs even more than you do.”

“Impossible. I live and breathe for your tits, right along with every other part of your delectable body.”

“Tyler Jennings! Your baby girl is listening,” his mom chided with a grin. When she took Bridget from my arms and walked away, I knew she was just using our conversation as an excuse to hold her granddaughter.

I laughed and shook my head, turning back to Tyler. “It’s official. I’m a nurse!”

He wagged his brows at me. “Does that mean we can’t play doctor anymore?”

“That depends.” I shifted closer and lowered my voice as I added, “Do you want to be the doctor, and I’ll be your naughty nurse?”

“Fuck, yeah,” he groaned, tugging me close enough that I could feel his hard-on press against my belly. “It’s a good thing my mom volunteered to watch Bridget tonight so we could go out and celebrate your graduation.”

“Why don’t we skip the going out part and celebrate at home, just the two of us?” I suggested.

“I love the way you think, Mrs. Jennings.”

It also turned out that he loved how we celebrated my graduation so much that we made a pact to always set aside time for just the two of us to celebrate each of life’s successes together in bed. Repeatedly. We had to make the most of our alone time, after all.