“I’d only put it at about a three or four, except I’m so tired that it feels like worse,” she explained as we walked through the restaurant.

“It’s your right leg.”

I felt her shoulders shake as she stifled a giggle. “Yes, Mr. Obvious, it is.”

“I actually had a point,” I chuckled. “Are you going to be okay driving home?”

“Yeah.” She tilted her head back to smile up at me. “I’ve driven all around town today and survived.”

Surviving implied that she’d been uncomfortable behind the wheel, and I didn’t like that at all. A trio of guys left the restaurant, and I cupped her elbow to lead her off to the side. One of them paused to check her out, and when his lips parted, I knew he was about to say something either to or about her. Either option was unacceptable. Pulling Mia closer, I glared at him over her shoulder. One of his friends nudged him forward, but I didn’t look away until they were out of sight. Shifting my attention back to Mia, I gentled my expression and asked, “What about the stairs to get up to your apartment? Or was there an elevator somewhere that I didn’t see?”

“Ugh,” she groaned. “They’re a pain in my butt after a tough workout. I’m sure they’ll be even worse tonight. I’ve never wished for an elevator more than right now.”

“I can’t give you an elevator, but I do have a solution to your problem.” Taking her hand in mine, I brushed my thumb over her palm. “Come home with me tonight.”



Normally, when a guy invited you back to his place after your first date, it threw up major red flags. But not so much with Tyler’s invitation. My gut instinct was to accept it, and not just because I thought he had extended it out of concern for my injury.

I couldn’t remember a time when I’d had this much fun with a guy. That didn’t mean I wasn’t going to yank his chain a little, though. My mom had always said it was best to keep a guy on his toes, after all. “Back to your place, huh?”

His lips curved up in a small grin. “That sounded bad, didn’t it?”

I squeezed my forefinger and thumb together before lifting my finger to allow the barest amount of space between them. “Yeah, a little bit.”

“If you’re not comfortable with coming back to my place, I can drive you back and carry you up to your apartment.”

My stomach swooshed again, a feeling that only happened around Tyler. “While it’s awesome of you to offer, we probably shouldn’t run the risk of you hurting yourself when I’m already injured.”

He placed his hand at the small of my back to guide me to the parking lot. “I’m tempted to say something about how I’m strong enough to carry you up thirty flights of stairs, but I’m not willing to run the risk of changing your mind.”

“But is your masculinity up to letting the insult go?” I teased.

“I’m more than man enough for it,” he promised.

Considering how big his dick looked in the gray sweatpants he’d been wearing when we met, I had no doubt he was right. I was more than a little flustered by my thoughts of what he was packing in his pants—and willing to give my leg a break—when he suggested it was best for him to drive. As soon as we got in his truck, he gave me some ibuprofen. By the time we made it to his house, the stitches were already feeling a little better.

“Your place is so nice.” That description for the ranch-style brick house Tyler lived in was actually a major understatement. It had an open floor plan with the entryway, kitchen, and living room flowing into each other. There were high ceilings, gleaming wood floors, and a fireplace. The furniture was dark leather and looked super comfortable.

“Thanks. I bought the place a couple of years ago, and my sister helped me decorate.” He shook his head and chuckled. “She’s an interior designer, so there was no getting out of it.”

“She did a great job.”

“Thanks.” He padded over to the kitchen and looked over his shoulder to ask, “Do you want anything to drink?”

I nodded. “I’d love a bottle of water if you’re cool with me taking it to bed.”

“Of course.” He grabbed two bottles and led me over to the bedroom. I stood near the doorway and watched while he pulled a pair of boxers and a T-shirt out of his dresser. “C’mon, I’ll get you a toothbrush, too.”

I followed him into the en suite bathroom and frowned when he pulled out a toothbrush still in the packaging and handed it to me. “Do you have so many women over that you need to keep these in stock?”