“You must be Rand’s paramedic friend, right?”

I heartily approved of the fact that she didn’t open the door any wider as she waited for me to answer. “Yeah, he asked me to come over and check out your leg because he thought it might need to be stitched up.”

“More like ordered, like he seems to do with everyone,” she muttered before flashing me an apologetic smile. “I hate to be a pest, but is there any chance you have proof of who you are?”

“You’re not being a pest at all. It’s smart for a beautiful woman like you to be cautious with who she lets into her home.” I grinned at the faint blush on her cheeks before opening my kit to pull out my EMS badge. I’d gotten in the habit of keeping it in there when I was off duty in case I needed to provide assistance in an emergency. “I’m Tyler Jennings, one of the paramedics who work out of Rand’s station.”

“Thanks for coming over, Tyler.” She swung the door open farther and stepped to the side to let me in her apartment. “I’m Mia Bell, by the way. Since Rand neglected to give you my name over the phone like he forgot to give me yours before he and Jaelyn left with the movers.”

I followed her over to the couch, enjoying the sway of her lush ass as she walked in front of me. “The captain doesn’t usually skim over details like that. He must’ve been in a rush.” More like he couldn’t wait to get Jaelyn back to his house since she’d agreed to live with him for real. I hadn’t been exaggerating when I’d ribbed him about being pussy whipped the other day, but my reaction to Mia was eerily similar to how Rand had acted the day he’d spotted Jaelyn at that softball game. I was starting to wonder if maybe the tables had turned, and I was going to end up eating my words.

“Yeah, he, uh, really wanted to get Jaelyn home.”

I wasn’t sure what was causing her blush to get deeper and her to stumble over her words. Knowing how hard Rand had fallen for Jaelyn, I figured maybe he hadn’t held back on the PDA around Mia or something. Deciding to let her off the hook, I suggested, “How about you sit down and let me take a look at your cut?”

“Oh! Yes, good idea.” She perched on the edge of one of the couch cushions and stretched her leg out.

Kneeling in front of her, I set my first-aid kit on the floor. After I put on a pair of exam gloves, I pulled the bandage off to take a closer look at her injury. The cut was a little more than three inches long, and blood was still oozing from it. “You did a good job taking care of this while you were waiting for me, but I’m still going to clean it again before I do the stitches. It’ll take about a dozen.”

“Thanks, I probably would have tried to do the stitches on my own except I knew my hand wouldn’t stay steady because of the pain.”

My head jerked up at her confession. “I’m glad you didn’t try. Stitching yourself up is hard-core.” Trailing my fingers over the sun-kissed, smooth skin next to her wound, I added, “It’s bad enough that I’ll probably leave behind a little scar on your perfect skin. Are you sure you don’t want me to take you over to the hospital to have a plastic surgeon do it instead?”

Her blush came back full force, and it just made her even sexier. “I don’t care about a scar, so there’s no need for a plastic surgeon to do the stitches. Thanks for fixing me up since I’m sure the nurse who oversees my clinical hours at the hospital would have something to say about the stupidity of me doing it myself.”

Pulling supplies out of my kit, I asked, “Are you going for your nursing degree?”

“Yup. After this one, I only have three more semesters to go.”

I grinned at her. “Maybe by then you’ll be ready to stitch yourself up.”

“No.” She giggled, her hair sliding over her shoulders to cover her round tits when she shook her head. “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for that. I’m not that great with pain. My threshold is pretty low.”

I grabbed the local anesthetic from my kit and asked, “Will you be okay with me administering this?”

“Yes, please.” Her chest rose and fell on a relieved sigh. “I wasn’t looking forward to toughing it out while you stitched me up. That’ll help a lot.”

I asked her some basic medical history questions to make sure she could tolerate the anesthesia before numbing the area around her wound. Then I waited until she relaxed against the couch cushions before I began stitching her up. I talked her through the whole process, very aware of her green gaze on me as I worked.