My cheeks heated as I remembered how he’d woken me up early so he could devour my pussy before fucking me long and hard. His sense of timing had been perfect. We’d still been panting after our simultaneous orgasms when Nolan had woken up crying. It’d been the perfect way to start the morning. It was also the perfect way to end the day. “Go kick some cop butt, big guy. If you win, I’ll come up with a fun way to help you celebrate tonight after Nolan goes down.” I trailed my fingers down his chest and traced the top of his pants above his hard-on. “And if you pitch a no-hitter, you can name your reward.”

“It’s a deal.” He claimed my lips in another kiss before whispering, “Even though we both know you’d give me whatever I want even if we lose.”

Of course, I would. But that didn’t stop him from pitching his best game ever and claiming his reward that night—along with knocking me up again.



“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”

Nolan ran up the sidewalk in front of our house at full speed. I bent down and caught him, sweeping him up in my arms before the five-year-old head-butted me in the jewels. “What’s up, buddy?”

He clapped his hands excitedly. “I know what I wanna be when I grows up!”

“You do? Well, let’s hear it, little man.”

“A pleece ocifer!”

My jaw dropped as I stared at my son. What the hell?

Footsteps behind him snagged my attention, and I peered around Nolan to see my sister and brother-in-law approaching with their kids and my four-year-old daughter, Kacie, in tow. The kids had been at a birthday party for Tyler’s oldest. Since it was only a few blocks up the street, Ewan and Kaia had volunteered to walk them back to our house.

Ewan was grinning from ear to ear, and Kaia had an apologetic grimace on her face. She had their three-month-old son in her arms and swiftly transferred him to his daddy. Almost like she thought I might take a swing at Ewan if he weren’t holding an infant. She might have been right.

I shot daggers out of my eyes at Ewan but smiled when I looked back at my son. “Is that so?”

He nodded vigorously.

“Awesome.” I almost choked on the word, but I would never make my son feel bad about his choices. That wasn’t to say I was going to stop trying to convince him to come back over from the dark side. “You don’t want to put out fires like Daddy, huh?”

He tilted his head to the side and thought for a moment, then shook his head. “No. Cause I want to eat doughnuts all day.”

I mashed my lips together so that I wouldn’t burst out laughing, especially when I clocked Ewan’s shocked expression. “We also catch bad guys,” he grumbled.

Nolan shrugged. “I’d rather eat doughnuts.”

When I had my amusement under control, I cleared my throat. “Firefighters get to ride the big, red truck, though.” He scrunched up his face and thought really hard.

“But I wanna eat doughnuts all the time, and Mommy only lets me have one.” He sounded unsure, and I went in for the kill.

“Firefighters can eat doughnuts, too.”

Nolan’s brown eyes widened, and he gasped, “They can?” I nodded. “Can I eat them on the twuck?”

I nodded again and winked. “Yup.”

“When can I be a fireman?” he asked with a hopeful expression.

I laughed. “You helped Daddy wash the truck last weekend, so you’re already a firefighter in training.”

“I gotta tell Mommy!” he shouted and wiggled to get down.

“Tell her what?” I asked as I set him on his feet.

“I’m a fireman, so I can have as many doughnuts as I want!” Then he streaked past me into the house.

Oops. I was going to catch hell for that with Jaelyn. We always had doughnuts on Saturday mornings, but as Nolan said, the kids were only allowed one.

Still, I set that aside and smiled triumphantly at Ewan, outright laughing when he groused about stereotypes and doughnut bribes.

Kaia giggled as she walked up to me and gave me a hug. After she went inside, I high-fived their son, Carson, as he passed me and did the same with their daughter, Dillian.

Before they disappeared, I called after them, “Hey, do you guys want to be firefighters too?”

“Yeah!!” they shouted with glee and jumped up and down. Then they ran off toward the kitchen.

“You haven’t won this one, Rand,” Ewan growled as he followed me into the house.

We joined everyone in the kitchen where Kaia and Jaelyn were handing out doughnuts. Both women threw us disapproving looks. “Firefighters in training can have half of another doughnut,” Jaelyn conceded with a sigh.

“Awwww,” the boys all moaned dejectedly.

“They can also have no doughnuts at all,” I interjected. I’d been the one to create the chaos and didn’t want Jaelyn to end up as the bad guy.