Jaelyn threw back her head, breaking our connection and shouting, “YES! Oh, Rand! Yes!” She started chanting in rhythm with my thrusts.

I sped up, going faster and harder until we both did a swan dive off the cliff and fell into oblivion together.

Later, when we were lying replete and exhausted, I sighed. “If you weren’t already knocked up, that time would have done it, I’m sure.”

Jaelyn giggled and lifted her head from where it had been resting and grinned at me. “Maybe. But I think we should practice as much as possible to make sure we definitely get it right.”

“Baby, we can practice anytime you want.”

I hugged her close before rolling onto my back and on to my other side. I opened the drawer of the side table and grabbed the little black velvet box. Then I reversed my position.

Jaelyn’s eyes were closed, so I took the ring out of the box and quickly slid it on her finger. Her eyes suddenly popped open, and she stared down at the glittery piece of jewelry. “Yes!” she shrieked and attacked my face with kisses.

“It’s cute that you think I was giving you a choice,” I teased. Then I kissed the fuck out of her before gathering her into my arms and kissing the top of her head. I was utterly exhausted.

It had been a long day, from our emotional morning to working with the crew so that whatever Jaelyn had that didn’t have to go to the cleaners was brought to our home and put away.

“Welcome home, baby,” I whispered. “Welcome home.”



When I pulled up at the softball field, Rand was waiting for me in the parking lot. He had our four-month-old son strapped to his chest, which seriously added to his hotness factor. Not that he needed any help in that area since he was already sexy as hell. But seeing him with our baby boy always melted my heart and made my ovaries explode.

He was a great dad, and I couldn’t wait to give him more children—which I expected to happen sometime soon since Rand wasn’t a fan of ever having anything between us when we had sex. Something I’d never complain about since I loved how it felt when he filled me up with his hot come. Crap, now I was going to have to sit through the entire game with damp panties.

“Hey, baby,” Rand greeted after he opened my car door for me. When I stepped out, he wrapped his hand around mine to tug me near and claim my lips in a deep kiss. He was careful not to get too close so that we didn’t squash Nolan, but our baby boy still let out a disgruntled squeal and kicked his legs. “Okay, little cock-blocker. No need to put up a fuss. I was just getting a kiss before I handed you off to Mommy.”

“If you keep calling him that, he’s going to think it’s his name,” I warned, reaching to pull Nolan out of the black harness. Staring at the outfit Rand had dressed him in, I rolled my eyes. I should’ve known he was up to something when I’d called to make sure he didn’t need me to stop at home and help get the baby ready before the softball game.

My husband normally didn’t pass up an opportunity to make sure we rode together when we were going somewhere—especially if there was going to be a bunch of other guys there. Getting married and having his baby hadn’t dimmed his possessiveness in the tiniest bit. Not that I was complaining since it usually resulted in me getting plenty of orgasms. Plus, I was equally as territorial when it came to my sexy husband.

But that didn’t mean I didn’t bust his balls from time to time. It was good to keep him on his toes, after all. “So now the babies are part of the pissing contest you and Ewan have going on?” I turned Nolan in my arms and pointed at the custom printed onesie.

Future Champion

Big Hoses Are Better Than Big Guns

“Where did you even get this?”

“Ordered it online last week.” He grinned at me. “The package arrived this morning, just in time for the big game.”

Shaking my head, I sighed. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand how guy friendships work.”

“It’s not my fault there’s a long-standing cops versus firefighters rivalry.” Rand winked and flashed me a sexy smirk. “But you can be damn sure I’ll do my part to make sure my side wins whenever I can.”

“Well, then I guess you’d better get out there and warm up before the game starts.” I squeezed his bicep. “It’s a good thing you had such a hearty breakfast this morning. You’re going to need that energy if you want to win the championship.”

His grin widened, and the gleam in his eyes turned mischievous. “I liked what I ate in bed before breakfast a fuck of a lot more than the omelet I made.”