What the hell?

That last thought came out of fucking nowhere, but what truly stunned me was that it made my dick harder than the images of fucking her luscious body.

Possession filled me, and a growing rage as I recognized why I was able to imagine her naked body so clearly. She was clothed in a thin summer dress, and the wet material was plastered to her body. I could see the lines of her thong, and it was obvious she didn’t have a bra on from the lack of outline and the hard nipples poking the flimsy fabric.

All the foreign thoughts and emotions bombarding me should have probably baffled me. Yet somehow through all the chaos, one thing was very clear to me.

This woman. She was mine.

The thought of anyone else seeing her practically naked had my blood boiling. I had to get her covered up before I murdered the first man who happened to walk by.

I needed to get her out of there, but I wasn’t ready to let her go. An inexplicable need inside me demanded I keep her close.

But looking at her dazed and confused state and the fact that we met barely five minutes ago, I wasn’t sure how to convince her to leave with me.

“You’re awfully grumpy, officer,” the woman in my arms said, tilting her head to the side. “We were just cooling off. It was so hot outside.”

There was only the slightest hint of a slur in her words, but I had instantly become attuned to her, so I caught it. “Are you drunk?” I asked in a steely tone. I hated the idea of her being drunk and causing a ruckus out at night without anyone to protect her. “I should arrest you for being drunk and disorderly,” I grumbled. The idea had some merit, but I wasn’t sure how I’d explain it to my captain.

She grinned and shook her head. “I only had a glass and a half of wine. Of course, I’m not drunk.”

My eyes narrowed, trying to decide if she was lying to me. It didn’t make any sense, but deep down, I was confident that she always told the truth.

“Kaia’s always been a lightweight,” one of the other girls announced with a giggle.

Kaia. My girl’s name was almost as beautiful as she was.

Glancing in the direction of the other girls, I saw them both climbing out of the fountain. They were also soaked to the bone, but neither one was wearing anything that showed off their bodies the way Kaia’s outfit did.

She wasn’t decent. Practically fucking naked! She should be— “I’m going to have to take you in,” I stated. The words were out before I even knew I was going to say them.

“What?” she yelped. “You’re arresting me?”

I didn’t answer, letting her draw her own conclusion as I turned her around and cuffed her, making sure they were loose enough that they wouldn’t hurt. Immediately, I realized my mistake and almost sighed. Images of her cuffed to my bed were bound to keep me up at night.

“For being drunk and disorderly?” her dark-haired friend asked incredulously. “Seriously? We were just—”

I cut her a look that sent most men running in another direction, and she snapped her mouth shut.

“I’m going to call you a cab, ladies. Go home and sleep this off,” I commanded sternly.

The same friend took a deep breath and braved my ire to ask, “Why are you only arresting Kaia?”

The blonde hovering behind gasped and poked her friend. “Shut up, Elizabet! If he only wants to arrest Kaia, that’s her problem. I’m getting out of here before he changes his mind.” She tugged on Elizabet’s hand, but the brunette held her ground. After a minute, blondie gave up and took off.

The two argued quietly while I made a quick call to summon a cab.

“Why are you only arresting Kaia?” Elizabet asked again.

“Because she’s the only one who could be charged twice,” I explained, being deliberately vague.

“Charged twice?” Kaia parroted as she attempted to turn around and face me. I let her twist but kept one hand on a cuffed wrist.

Her hazel eyes were blazing with anger, and I met them with my own enraged stare. “Public indecency,” I growled.

She gasped and tried to take a step away, only to jerk to stop when she couldn’t move any farther. I released her wrist and grasped her arm to keep her steady on her feet.

Kaia gasped. “I’m not naked!”

Leaning in close until our mouths were a breath away, I scowled. “You might as well be,” I gritted out through a clenched jaw.

My eyes dropped to the peaks of her round tits, which were on clear display through her dress. Her gaze followed mine, and when she saw what had my attention, her face flushed pink, the pretty hue spreading down to the tops of her breasts.