After I’d made sure she’d eaten her fill, I finished off the last of the food before gathering everything back onto the tray and taking it to the kitchen. I quickly cleaned up, then hurried back to my girl.

I stopped in the doorway and simply watched her for a few minutes. Jaelyn had snuggled down under the covers, and with her head on my pillow, she let out a contented sigh. The same feeling had taken root in me. Seeing her in our house, in our bed, it was like I’d been living a half-life and hadn’t realized it. Jaelyn was my other half. She…I mentally punched myself for the cliché thoughts in my head—she completed me.

“I’m getting cold over here.”

Jaelyn’s husky voice washed over me, and I grinned. She was so fucking adorable. I swiftly walked to the bed, ditched my boxers, and slid under the covers. I reached for Jaelyn, but she was already scooting over and curling up against my side. Her round little ass bumped into my groin, and she wiggled around, getting comfortable. Grabbing her hips, I held her still and growled, “You are too sore for me to fuck again, baby. So, if you don’t stop rubbing that juicy little ass on my cock, you’re going to get a spanking.”

Jaelyn sucked in a breath and froze for a couple of beats. Then she shifted experimentally, and I dropped my head back with a groan, shutting my eyes tight. “Of course, that turns you on,” I sighed. “You’re fucking perfect.” Jaelyn snorted, and I cut her off before she could speak. “Perfect for me.” This time, she sighed and melted back into me. “Go to sleep, baby.” I wrapped myself around her and buried my face in her hair, inhaling her sweet scent.

Her breathing evened out, and I assumed she’d done as she was told. But just as I was drifting off, I heard her whisper, “You’re perfect for me, too.” I fell asleep with a smile on my face.




Jaelyn bolted up in bed and looked around in confusion. I cursed whoever was pounding on my front door at—I glanced at the clock—eight fucking a.m. for waking her up.

I sat up and gently tugged on her shoulder, urging her to lie back down.

The thumping started again, but I ignored it when I saw Jaelyn wince. I sighed, frustrated with my lack of control, knowing she wouldn’t be hurting so much if I hadn’t taken her a second time.

I wanted to ask her about her level of pain and check over her pussy myself, but another round of knocking elicited a blue streak of swearing. I leaned over her and kissed her forehead, then lips, and murmured, “Stay here and relax, baby. I’m going to kick someone’s ass, then I’ll come back with some breakfast, and we can take a warm bath. It will help with the soreness.” Jaelyn blushed and nodded with a shy smile. That fucking blush…it made my dick stand at attention every time.

Throwing back the covers, I hopped out of bed, donned my boxers, and strolled to the door. Before I could step into the hall, Jaelyn’s voice stopped me.

“Ahem. I think you’re forgetting something.”

I glanced back, puzzled as to her meaning. She was sitting up, clutching the sheet to her chest and wearing a disgruntled expression that had me suppressing a smile because it just made her look even cuter.

She frowned even more, hinting that I hadn’t done a very thorough job of hiding my amusement. “Don’t you think you should put on a shirt before answering the door?” she snapped. “I don’t share either.” A grin burst to the surface before I could tamp it down. She huffed adorably and flopped back down onto the mattress.

If there wasn’t some asshole practically breaking down my door, I would have kissed the hell out of her. I loved that she was feeling as possessive of me as I was of her. With the smile affixed to my face, I hurried to my dresser and took a T-shirt from the top drawer, then pulled it on as I left the bedroom.

“Hold your fucking horses,” I barked as I neared the door and the pounding that had now become a steady beat with no pauses. Anger began to build as I turned the lock and wrenched open the door.

“Where the fuck is my sister, Caldwell?”



At the sound of Ewan’s voice, I scrambled off the mattress and went hunting for a T-shirt and boxers in Rand’s dresser. Grabbing the first ones I found, I threw them on before searching for my cell phone. After firing off a quick text, I hurried out of the room. I didn’t know what my brother-in-law was doing here and why he was yelling at Rand, but I was going to find out.