My body lit up like the Fourth of July, and my cock jumped to attention. Everything but my girl faded away until I heard a slow whistle. Passion turned to possession in an instant. I spun around to face the little shit, and something in my expression must have made it very clear that his life was in imminent danger. He mumbled an apology and stumbled over his own feet as he ran away without taking the money.

I watched him go, silently fuming and talking myself out of going after him to make sure the kid never ogled what didn’t belong to him ever again.

Finally, I felt in control enough to step back into the house and slam the door shut. I prowled toward Jaelyn, my eyes raking over her body once again. When I reached the kitchen, I tossed the bag of food in the fridge, then altered my path so I ended up standing toe to toe with her.

“Baby,” I growled, “if you ever let another man see what’s for my eyes only, you won’t be able to sit down for a week. You are mine, and I don’t share.”



“I—You—What?” I stammered, unsure exactly how I wanted to respond. I should’ve been appalled at the idea of Rand threatening to spank me, let alone hard enough that I wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week, but a part of me was thrilled that he was so possessive of me that he couldn’t stand the way the delivery boy had been eyeing me.

“You heard me,” he growled, setting his large hands on my hips and pulling me closer. “You’re too sexy for your own good.”

“I think you mean for your own good since I’m quite comfortable with what I’m wearing.” I tugged the material of his shirt up over my bare shoulder and sighed when it fell right back down. “Besides, you’re the one who picked it out.”

“I severely underestimated how fucking good you’d look in it.” His fingertips brushed against my belly, between the knotted shirt and rolled-up boxers.

I shivered and leaned into his touch. “It’s not my fault you’re a freaking giant compared to me.”

“I’ve never been more thankful for my size than I am right now because it means I can do this so easily.” He lifted me, and I instinctively circled my legs around his waist so that they didn’t dangle off the floor. Wrapping one arm under my butt and another around my back, he stared into my eyes as he carried me through the kitchen, down the hallway, and into the master bedroom.

I kept my legs wrapped around his waist as he lowered me onto the mattress, his body hovering over mine. Anything I might’ve said was swallowed by his mouth when his head lowered, and his lips crashed down over mine. This kiss topped the ones from earlier, full of all the passion we were both feeling. Not wanting it to end like last time, I plunged my hands into his hair and pressed closer.

When I started to writhe against Rand, he tore his mouth from mine and kissed his way down my jaw and throat. “I can feel how hot your pussy is through those boxers.” He took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring. “You’re so fucking wet; I can smell it.”

His fingers tugged at the knot in the shirt I was wearing, loosening it so he could lift the material over my head. I’d never shown my breasts to a guy before, but I didn’t feel any hint of embarrassment. I was too busy soaking up the masculine appreciation in his green eyes. “You’re even more perfect than I imagined,” he breathed.

He slid his hands up to my tits, his thumbs circling my nipples. I felt his touch all the way to my core, and the sensation intensified when he lowered his head and took one of them in his mouth. His tongue circled around the pebbled tip before he sucked it into his mouth.

I gasped and my back arched off the mattress, pushing my tit closer to his mouth. When he let go of it with a pop, I whimpered softly. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m nowhere close to done.”

He switched to the other side and gave it the same attention until I was writhing in need. “Please, Rand. I need—”

I wasn’t certain exactly what I needed; just that Rand was the only one who could give it to me. He rose on his knees and ripped the boxers down my legs. Then he nudged my thighs apart to bury his head between them. His breath was hot against me as he parted my pussy lips with his thumbs and lapped at me. “Oh, wow,” I gasped, my nails digging into his shoulders. The words dried up in my throat when he plunged his tongue inside me. My hips jerked up in time with his thrusts as the pleasure grew inside me with every scrape of his beard on my inner thighs. My body tightened, and I felt like I was about to burst.