I loved my sister and her husband, but having me under their roof would definitively put a damper on the newlyweds’ sex life. Just thinking about what I might end up hearing made me gag a little.

“It doesn’t matter if your insurance covers a hotel room or not, you won’t need one,” Rand announced as he pulled into the driveaway of a two-story brick house.

“Why not?”

He waited until he’d parked the truck in the garage and killed the engine to turn to me and answer. “Because you’ll be staying here with me.”



“I am?” Jaelyn’s voice contained an array of emotions, but the one I latched onto was the sliver of hope.

I squeezed her hand lightly and pulled her in close until we were barely a hairsbreadth apart. “You are,” I confirmed before I completely closed the gap and covered her mouth with my own.

My eyes slid shut, and I groaned as I savored her sweet taste. It was like peaches and sunshine mixed with something that I instinctively knew was all her own. I was lost. I knew I would crave more and more and probably never get enough. My free hand delved into her thick hair, and I gently grasped it in my fist, using the leverage to tilt her head and give me better access.

Jaelyn sighed and melted into me, opening immediately when I ran my tongue along the seam of her lips, asking for entry. I plunged my tongue inside her mouth and slid it along hers. When she tentatively responded in kind, lust slammed into me so hard it almost knocked the wind out of me.

My cock was pulsing in unison with my pounding heart beats and painfully fighting my zipper for freedom. Jaelyn started to kiss me back with wild abandon, holding nothing back. It was the most refreshing and alluring thing I’d ever experienced.

If I didn’t stop now, I was going to fuck her right there in the front seat of my truck. Only the sure knowledge that Jaelyn was special, that she meant more to me than anyone ever had, gave me the strength to tear myself away from her.

Her lips were swollen and slightly reddened from my whiskers. She looked like she belonged to somebody, and since that somebody was me, it certainly didn’t aid my attempt to cool the raging fire inside me.

She whimpered and pressed herself against me. Her arms had wound around my neck, and she tried to urge my head back down for another kiss.

I gave her a quick peck, and when I pulled back, she had a cute pout on her lips. To my surprise, not a minute later, she began to look worried. “Did I do something wrong?”

Releasing her hand and hair, I cupped her face and stared into her warm brown eyes so she would have no doubt of my sincerity. “Absolutely not, baby. You were perfect.”

Twin spots of pink bloomed on her cheeks, and she looked away shyly. “Then…um…why did you stop?”

I couldn’t help grinning at the wild cat who’d suddenly become a docile little kitten. “Because I want to get you settled, and we both need food. Something to give us strength and stamina.” I winked and grinned at the return of her blush.

“Wait here,” I told her before placing a quick kiss on the tip of her nose and then exiting the truck. I walked around to her side and opened the door. She’d already unbuckled, so I slid an arm around her waist and lifted her out. I held her pressed against me for a few moments, then slowly lowered her feet to the ground, keeping our bodies in contact the entire way.

Jaelyn gasped when she realized what the hard ridge pushing against her was, and I gazed down at her with hooded eyes. “That’s what you do to me, baby.”

I loved the way she displayed her every emotion on her face. At first, she looked shy, then intrigued, but the third one was what put a smirk on my lips. She seemed to grow more confident right before my eyes, and her smile turned a little wicked. Fucking hell…I didn’t think she could get any sexier.

Taking a deep breath, I told myself to calm down as I threw an arm over her shoulders and guided her toward the front door. Once it swung open and Jaelyn stepped inside, she stopped and looked around with wonder. I watched her carefully, gauging her true reaction to my home. I loved my house and hoped it would be our home, but if she didn’t like it, I’d call a realtor in the morning. However, her eyes were dancing with delight, and she wore a beautiful smile.

It was a modest house but still spacious and roomy with a big backyard. Perfect for a family. I’d bought it as an investment opportunity. I didn’t much care where I lived, but it was smarter to own than rent. Once I moved in, though, I fell in love with the place, and it made me even more confident that Jaelyn was the one for me when I watched her instantly fall in love with it as well.