After obsessing over Kaia’s words, I came to the conclusion that the brunette was her sister. Eventually, I remembered her last name was Whittaker and sat down at a computer to search for my girl. Unfortunately, there were over one hundred Whittakers in the city. I’d have to do a little more digging after my shift ended, and I had four days off.

Groaning in resignation, I rolled off the bed, getting to my feet. If I didn’t find her soon (and finding her was the only option because I knew I would never be able to forget about her), I’d be able to join the cast of The Walking Dead.

I used the bathroom and grabbed a shower before wandering into the kitchen to fix myself a bowl of cereal and brood over my situation.

“Dude, you look like shit.” Tyler, one of the paramedics that drove a Ladder 45 department ambulance, smirked as he sauntered into the room. “Too much paperwork weighing you down, Cap?” It was a running joke that I’d gone soft now that I’d been promoted to captain even though I was usually first and always last on scene.

Glowering darkly, I flipped him the bird. He just laughed and made a beeline for the fridge to rummage around for some food.

He also knew my situation with my mystery girl since I’d been stupid enough to tell him. We’d been friends since kindergarten and were both close with Ewan.

Then it hit me. “Do you know Ewan’s sister-in-law?”

Tyler popped his head over the refrigerator door and looked at me with curiosity. “I’ve met her a time or two.”

I felt like the clouds were opening to let the sunshine through. “What’s her name?”

He thought for a second then said, “Jaelyn, I think.”

Jaelyn. It was as gorgeous as she was.

Tyler ducked back down and grabbed something from inside before standing and shutting the door. “Ewan is kind of a pain in the ass about her,” he mused nonchalantly as he twisted the cap off a smoothie and took a swig.

Possession and jealousy slammed into me like a truck. I was about to tell him to stay the fuck away from her when he spoke again and cooled some of my ire.

“We were all at a barbecue, and while she’s a great girl, I wasn’t the least bit interested in her, but he still warned me off at least three times.” Tyler snorted with laughter. “I thought Kaia was going stab him with her fork. Jaelyn seemed to be oblivious to it all.”

“Do you—” The rest of my question was cut off when the alarm sounded, and we sprang into action. I reminded myself that now I had her name and could find her, but for the moment, I needed to concentrate on my job.



For the past two nights, I’d looked forward to bedtime because my dreams had been filled with the hot as heck fireman who’d pitched the softball game against my new brother-in-law. My eyes had been drawn to him each time he took the mound but for a different reason than why everyone else’s attention was aimed in the same direction. The way his muscles flexed on his six-foot-two muscular body when he wound up to pitch was even better to watch than how he threw the ball. I’d wanted to run my fingers through his thick, dark hair when he tugged his hat off to wipe the sweat from his forehead. His full, closely cropped beard made him even more appealing.

His beard featured in many of my dreams. How it would scrape between my legs as he made his way to my pussy, making the skin of my inner thighs even more sensitive. In the slim space of time between sleep and waking up, the sensation seemed so real. As I rolled over, my legs slid together and sent a jolt of desire to my core. I let out a low moan, unwilling to let go of the vision of my smoking hot firefighter. I wanted more of the pleasure he would give me, even if he wasn’t here in the flesh.

My brain was foggy from the lack of sleep, and it took me longer than it should have to realize the scent of smoke wasn’t from the uniform my hunky fireman had stripped out of in my dream. When I finally recognized the smell was real, my eyes popped open. Glancing up at the ceiling, I saw smoke pouring out of the vents and squeaked, “Holy crap!”

I scrambled off the mattress and chanted, “Holy crap!” a few more times as I grabbed my cell off the bedside table. Then I shoved my feet into the flip-flops on the floor next to my bed and ran out of my bedroom. The smoke grew thicker as I moved through my apartment, making me cough.