Damn. I couldn’t argue with that. “I concede this time.” I pointed my finger at him. “But don’t think that excuse is going to fly with everything.”

Ewan just smiled and kissed my forehead. I wasn’t sure who’d won that argument, but I had more important things on my mind.

He took me to the bed and set me on my feet, but I stilled his hands when he went to pull my shirt off.

“Did you mean it when you said kids and work were my decision?”

He frowned and sat on the side of the bed and pulled me down into his lap. “Of course. I know you need to feel independently stable. I would never hold you back or risk resentment because you live in fear.”

Tears welled in my eyes, and I put my arms around him, not able to form any words without crying.

“However, I take care of my family. Our everyday expenses, bills, family activities, etc. We’ll open an account just for you to put your paychecks in if you decide to work. It will be your nest egg. For emergencies or whatever you want to do with it.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I said with a sniff and a watery smile.

“Tell me you love me.” There was a vulnerable note in his voice that warmed my heart.

“I’m sorry, Ewan, that should have been the first thing I said,” I admitted. “I know it’s fast, and it makes no sense, but I do. I love you so much, Ewan Kelley.”

“I love you too, Kaia Kelley.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I’m not a Kelley, yet.”

“You are to me”—cue heart melting—“and we’ll rectify that in the eyes of the law very fucking soon. You’ll have my ring on your finger and my last name before you give birth to our first child.” His expression was firm, making it clear he wasn’t going to budge on that issue.


Ewan smiled and kissed me. When he pulled back, I was somehow flat on my back with my very own swoon-worthy hot cop hovering over me. “Now,” he murmured as he placed warm, soft kisses down my neck. “Let’s get back to work on those babies.”



Two months later.

Kaia was in the kitchen cooking something that smelled amazing when I walked in the door. I stowed my gear in the closet and tiptoed up behind her.

“Nice try, Mr. Kelley.” I slid my arms around her, resting my palms on her belly and burying my face in her hair. I didn’t know what gave me away, but I couldn’t ever surprise my girl. It was probably the same way I always knew when she was near.

“I’m starting to wonder how you can be such a big, bad, member of a SWAT team without being able to sneak up on someone,” she teased.

I laughed and pushed her hair to the side and over her shoulder. My lips glided over her soft skin and one of my hands traveled down to cup her pussy over her jeans. “Nobody else’s body gets wet and tingly when I’m anywhere near them.”

Kaia snorted. “Yeah, right. I don’t want to think about the other women…and probably plenty of men, who have that reaction to you.”

“Except I don’t give a fuck about any of them.”

She leaned back into me and hummed in contentment. “That’s the only reason I haven’t scratched anyone’s eye out yet.”

I stifled a laugh at her use of “yet.” My girl was soft and sweet, generous and loving, but if you messed with someone she loved, she could be a little firecracker. And her possessive attitude over me was hot as fuck. “How about you come take a shower with me, and I’ll show you that I only have eyes for you?” I turned the knob to shut off the stove and swung her up into my arms.

“But dinner!” she protested as I carried her down the hall.

“I’ll be plenty full from eating my favorite meal when I’m done with you, baby.” We entered the bedroom, and I made a beeline for the bathroom. “Then I’m going to feed my cock to that sexy mouth of yours.”

I set her down on the counter, then walked over to the shower and turned it on. Retreating back to her, I licked my lips as I stared at her and began removing her clothes.

“I made an appointment at the courthouse,” she blurted out. My fingers halted, and my gaze flew up to hers. I’d been asking her to set a date since the day after she agreed to marry me.

“Really?” I didn’t bother to hide the breathless hope in my voice.

Kaia nodded, and her face transformed with a bright, beautiful smile. “Saturday at noon.”

Three days. Kaia was going to be my wife in three fucking days. I wanted to shout and beat my chest like a caveman, but instead, I cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately. When I broke the kiss, I rested my forehead against hers.