Jaelyn glowered at me, but her lips twitched as though she was suppressing a smile. “Distracting, huh? Care to elaborate exactly how this dude could make you forget about your very worried sister?”

“Well, I tied her to the bed and was fu—Ow! Son of a bitch!”

This time, I’d slammed my fist into his thigh, right where I knew it would give him a hell of a Charley horse.

Jaelyn’s eyes were wide, and she blinked owlishly a few times, her mouth hanging open. “You had sex?!” she yelled.



Okay, I was super confused. “What?”

Jaelyn hustled over and pulled me into a hug. Surprisingly, Ewan let me go so I could wrap her in my arms. “You’ve been caring for me all my life, Kaia. I’ve always felt guilty that you basically had no life. I kept encouraging you to step out of this shell you put around yourself and—”

“Hey,” I protested. “Just because I’m not a social butterfly like you doesn’t mean I was withering away in an isolated shell.” My sister narrowed her eyes, her probing stare making me uncomfortable. “Okay, so maybe I kept to myself a little too much.”

Jaelyn let me go and faced Ewan. “You. I’m inclined to like you simply because you’ve gotten past Kaia’s walls. But you’re going to have to convince me why I shouldn’t go to your boss and tell him you basically kidnapped my sister.”

“Jaelyn!” I gasped. My cheeks heated, and I looked everywhere but at Ewan.

A second later, I was being tugged back into his warm and embrace, and I sighed when he brushed a soft kiss over the crown of my head.

“I love her.” I gasped, and he gave me a little squeeze in a silent request for me to let him finish. ”I intend to knock her up and marry her.”

Jaelyn continued to frown. “So you just expect her to stay at home and raise your gaggle of babies?”

Ewan chuckled. “Gaggle? Who said anything about that?”

“Just a guess.” She shrugged.

“First, I do want a big family, but it will be up to Kaia to decide how many kids we have. Second, Kaia can do whatever the fuck she wants as long as it isn’t dangerous, doesn’t require her to interact with other men, and she comes home to me at the end of every day.”

“Can’t interact with—” I was about to call him out on his ridiculous requirement, but he gave me another squeeze, and for some reason that I had no comprehension of, I obeyed.

Jaelyn studied him in silence, then nodded firmly and stuck out her hand. “I accept the terms. I give you my blessing.”

“For crying out loud,” I groaned.

Ewan shook with her, then tugged her into his other side and hugged us both. “I didn’t expect to get a sister out of this deal. I’m gonna be an awesome big brother.”

My heart melted on the spot, and I knew I had officially fallen head over heels for this man. Then I saw the way Jaelyn lit up when she realized that Ewan accepted her as part of our life and was even happy about it. If I hadn’t already fallen, this would have pushed me over the cliff.

Jaelyn smiled brightly and kissed my cheek before taking a few steps away so she could face us. “I’ll take off and let you two”—she smiled slyly and winked at me—“get back to baby-making and other fun things.”

I didn’t have a mirror, but I had a hard time believing I’d ever blushed so hard. “What do you know about baby-making?” I asked suspiciously.

“Well, you see, Kaia. When a man and a woman—”

“Shut it, Jaelyn,” I snipped. She’d been mimicking Ewan, but she was too far away for me to kick.

Ewan was silently shaking behind me, and I tempered the instinct to give him another muscle spasm.

“Relax, big sister. I’m as innocent as you are—or were, I guess.” Her smile was even more wicked. Then she laughed and opened the door to bounce out into the night.

“Hey, sis. Wait,” Ewan called.

Jaelyn flipped around and smiled so big, it took up her entire face. He jogged into another room and was back a few second later with a small white business card. He took it out to her, and they spoke in low voices for a minute before he ruffled her hair and started back toward me.

Behind his back, Jaelyn gave me a thumbs-up and mouthed, “Hot!” Then she skipped over to the new car she’d bought a few days before graduation. I snickered and shook my head.

“What’s so funny, baby?” Ewan asked as he stepped inside.


“We need to get you some new wheels,” he mused as we watched her drive away.

“What? My car runs just fine,” I retorted stubbornly.

Ewan scoffed and shut the door, then scooped me up into his arms and started walking toward the bedroom. “Your car is a death trap, and if you were driving it around, I’d be constantly worrying and never have a moment of peace. I can’t afford that kind of distraction at work.”