“What the fuck?” Ewan muttered a few more curses and threw back the covers. He tucked them around me again before climbing out of bed.

I glanced at the clock and frowned. It was almost ten at night. Crap. My phone was dead, and I hadn’t borrowed Ewan’s to call or text my sister. He was constantly distracting me, and she must have been so worried. I was basically the worst sister ever.

“Are you expecting someone?” I asked with a yawn as I stretched my aching body. I felt sore and used in the best way. I was trying to be nonchalant because after he left the room, I was determined to find his phone.

“No.” His eyes darkened with hunger as he watched me, his expression growing deadly when the sheet slipped low, exposing my breasts. “But whoever it is better have a fucking good reason for being here, or I’m going to beat the shit out of them.”

He pulled on a pair of sweats and pulled a shirt over his head as he stomped to the door. Once he was gone, I grabbed the shirt I’d borrowed and slid it over my head. It fell to just above my knees, so I didn’t bother with the too-big pants. I was going to search for the phone, but the visitor was still ringing the doorbell nonstop and banging on the door. Curiosity won out, and I decided to find out who it was.

I padded across the room and down the hall in time to see Ewan yanking open the door. Before he could say a word, a small hand poked him in the chest multiple times as an outraged female voice yelled, “Where is my sister? What the hell is going on? I’m going to call the police if I don’t see her in the next—”

“Jaelyn! It’s okay!” I exclaimed and raced the rest of the way to the foyer. The second Ewan spotted me, his eyes swept over my outfit, and his brow furrowed. He immediately stepped in front of me, blocking my view of my sister. “Ewan, it’s just my sister, for Pete’s sake!”

“Hey, you big jerk!” Jaelyn yelled. “I’ve been worried sick. You better let me see my sister and make sure you haven’t hurt her!”

“Go put on some pants, Kaia,” he growled over his shoulder, ignoring my sister.

I rolled my eyes and tried to shove him out of the way, but he was as immoveable as a tree. With a shriek of frustration, I spun around. “I’ll be right back, Jaelyn. Don’t freak out,” I called as I marched back to the bedroom where I hastily donned the pants and then beat a path back to the front of the house. Ewan had let Jaelyn in and shut the front door. She was glaring at him with a murderous expression and her hands planted angrily on her hips. It was actually a quite comical scene. My small but feisty sister facing off with my tall, muscular hot cop.

I headed straight for my sister but instantly found myself hauled up against a rock hard yet very comfy chest. My head twisted and dropped back so I could scowl up at him. He raised an eyebrow and stared at me unrepentantly. I huffed and turned back to my sister.

“I’m so sorry, Jaelyn. I ruined my phone and—”

“Is this big brute holding you hostage?” she interrupted. Her tone was more curious than outraged now. It was clear she wasn’t sure what to think about my attire and Ewan’s possessive attitude.

“Um…” I glowered up at Ewan again. “Sort of.”

It was his turn to roll his eyes. “Really?” His tone was dry, and I squirmed under his steady gaze.

“Okay, no.” I sighed.

Jaelyn balled her hands into fists and cried out, “This morning when I got home, Elizabet said you’d been arrested last night. So I went to the police station, and they said they’d never heard of you! I was terrified you’d been kidnapped or something, but then Elizabet finally remembered she had the cop’s card. But it didn’t have his address, and it was his work number, and no one at the precinct would give it to me, and I didn’t know how I was going to find you, but then some young rookie-type cop-guy who clearly had a thing for Elizabet gave her your address when I explained what I’d heard, and now I’m here, and you’re dressed like that, and he’s…what the hell is going on?”

“Well, you see, your sister was breaking the law…oof!” Ewan started but stopped when I elbowed him in the ribs. I was positive I hadn’t actually hurt him; his reaction was just for my benefit.

“I’m so sorry, Jayley. I’m the worst sister. I can’t believe I let you worry like that. My phone was ruined from the fountain, and I meant to call you, but—um—Ewan kept distracting me and—um—”