I went to my bedroom and took a fast shower, then dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of sweats. After gathering a similar pair that were a little small for me (but would probably still swim on my girl) and a T-shirt with my name emblazoned on the back (it seemed a little early to be tattooing my name on her body, so this would have to do), I left them in her bathroom, keeping my gaze averted from the glass shower stall.

The food from Gatsby’s was cold, but surprisingly, hadn’t become mushy. I preheated the oven, then split the burger in half and piled the wings, onion rings, and fries on a couple of cooking sheets. While they heated up, I padded down the hall to check on Kaia.

The water was turned off, but I didn’t see her in the bedroom, so I made my way to the bathroom. “Baby?” I knocked lightly. I should have knocked on the doorjamb because that small nudge sent the door swinging farther open.

I froze, unable to look away as my shirt slid down over Kaia’s naked body. It had been fast, but long enough for me to permanently burn the images of her gorgeous body on my brain. Her full breasts and their rosy nipples, hard from the cool air after a hot shower. Her soft stomach with a cute little belly button that my tongue itched to explore. Her round hips that I instantly knew would fit perfectly in my hands. And the neatly trimmed thatch of golden curls nestled at the apex of her thighs.

When all that perfection was covered up, my eyes continued downward, memorizing all the rest. She was petite, but her legs seemed a mile long, ending with cute little feet, tipped with toes painted in sparkly bright blue polish. I chuckled, and it obviously startled her because she gasped and stumbled back a few steps. Quick as a flash, I was at her side, both hands on her waist, holding her steady.

We stood there for a few silent moments, just staring at each other. Finally, I cleared my throat and retreated a few inches. “I have some dinner heating up.” Then I spun around and hurried from the room. She mumbled something about other things heating up, and I couldn’t help laughing as I stalked to the kitchen.



I rolled down the waist of Ewan’s sweatpants a few times so they would stay perched on my hips. Then I rolled them at the ankles so I wouldn’t trip. Looking at myself in the mirror, I frowned. I certainly wouldn’t be tempting him in this getup.

After rooting around for a while, I found a comb stashed in a drawer and tried to tame my curls. They had a mind of their own, and I didn’t have a hair tie. With a shrug, I accepted the fact that this was as good as it was going to get.

When I left the bedroom, my stomach growled at the delicious smell emanating from the kitchen. I hadn’t had much to eat before we’d gone to the bar, and now, I was starving. Plus, food would help absorb the rest of the alcohol.

Ewan was pulling the food out of the oven as I entered the room. He shot me a sexy smile and winked at me, making my heart flutter and my pussy tingle. I tried to suppress the desire because I would be mortified to return Ewan’s pants to him with the crotch soaked from my arousal. How freaking embarrassing would that be?

“Have a seat.” He gestured to the area across from him. There was a small table with four chairs nestled in a little nook that had a large bay window.

This house wasn’t what I would have expected for a sexy bachelor like Ewan. It was a home built for a family. But he seemed to be surprising me at every turn, and I had to admit, it seriously turned me on. I was excited to start my new job, to be independent and financially secure, but I’d always hoped that the day would come when I’d have the kind of home I’d wanted growing up. I dreamed about being a wife and a mom in a home where there was plenty of love but also stability.

If Ewan’s house was a reflection of his hopes for the future, I was pretty sure I’d tumble headfirst in love with him. I suspected I was already falling.

My bare feet smacked against the wood floor when I walked over to the table and sat down. The table and chairs were thick and sturdy oak—likely hand-made—and a lot more comfortable that they initially looked.

Ewan set plates piled with food on the table and sat across from me. While we ate, he practically interrogated me. However, by the way he hung on my every word, it was obvious he wanted to get to know me.