Maybe I’ll give Tee another ring. I tried right after my fight, but it went straight to her voicemail.

Maybe her and Emerson…

Stop! Erase that from your mind! God damn it!

Hadlee stirs beneath me and I shift in my spot, trying to make her more comfortable. But her eyelids flutter and she looks up at me with those big beautiful blue eyes of her. She stretches. Yawns. I get this flash at that moment. This vision of what it might be like to wake up in bed next to her. “Hi beautiful,” I say as I lean down and kiss the top of her forehead.

She stifles a look around the field and wipes her eyes. “What time is it?”

“Two in the morning.”

She snuggles back into my lap with a sigh. “My birthday is officially over,” she pouts.

“Well technically it was over two hours ago,” I remind her. “But we can celebrate it every day if that’s what you want.”

She lets out a soft laugh that swells my heart and I run my fingers through her newly colored blonde hair. “Are you taking me home?”

“Do you want to go home?”

“Maybe in a little while.” She tilts her head back and gazes up into the sky. “The stars are really beautiful tonight. They look like tiny balls of fire.”

I look up at the burning dots surrounded by blackness. “They kind of do.”

More always seemed like such a disgusting word to me. I never hoped for it. I never dreamed about wanting it. Mainly because I thought I’d never have it.

And now that I do have it, I wish like hell I knew what to do with it.

Chapter Thirty One


I'm dreaming.

I know I am.

It feels strange because I haven’t had a good dream in so so long.

Sean is sitting next to me. His hands

cup my face, an intense look in his deep blue-green eyes, and then he presses his lips against mine. The kiss is soft, sensual, yet completely and utterly mind-numbing. His tongue dances around inside my mouth and teases mine with a gentle caress. Then he's on top of me and I'm running my fingers through his chestnut locks. He kisses my neck and I can feel the twinge of desire flutter through me. As he works his way down my neck to my collar bone I trace the tattoos on his biceps with the tip of my finger.

His mouth is on mine and I open mine, reciprocating, welcoming his tongue, and digging my nails into his sculpted six-pack. Pulling out of the kiss briefly, Sean gazes down at me, eyes full of raw lust. “What do you want, Hadley?” he murmurs against my lips.

“Make love to me,” I tell him, half-moan, half-whisper.

Sean pushes himself up, hovering over-top of me. There's a devilish smirk on his perfect pouty lips, and a wicked gleam in his eyes. He keeps his eyes on me, devouring every inch of my bare body with his eyes, then wags his finger in my face.

Disappointed, I frown. “Make love to me,” I say again, this time with more force.

Sean shakes his head and falls on top of me, crushing me with his body. I let out a grunt, stunned by the weight of him on me, but I can't fight the desire surging through my body by having him this close. Still it’s not close enough. I want him so close I can taste the bitterness in his sweat. I want him to melt into me. He teases me with a peck on the lips, and I moan out in frustration because I want so much more out of this moment, even if I am dreaming it.

Then he whispers, “You're safe in my arms. Everything is going to be okay.”

His voice plummets to the dark corners of my mind and echoes. You're safe in my arms. Everything is going to be okay. It replays over, and over, and over again. I'll never get sick of hearing him say that. I love the way the words roll of his tongue. I love the way the sound of his voice soothes me. The way it stuns the very core of me.

I reach out for him, wanting to grip onto him tighter, but I can't feel him anymore. “Sean?” I whimper as an incessant ache pumps through my chest cavity. “Sean, where are you?” I want his touch. His lips. His words.

Oh God.