Elijah tugs on my arm a second time and I stumble forward, my knees hitting the sand. Reaching up, he steadies me, gripping my shoulders without force. “Am I being too insistent, Adelaide?” He lies down on his side and pats the empty spot in front of him. “If I am, I hope that you’ll tell me.” He lets out a soft sigh. “I just can’t help myself around you, Mrs. Watson. The want to have you all the time overwhelms me.”

I can feel a bonfire starting in my heart, working it’s way up to my cheeks. Desire singes my nerve endings and my whole body starts tingling. It’s crazy how this man can make me a mess inside. It’s crazy how he can make my mind hazy, my heart beat erratically, and how with a simple caress of a finger can make my whole body betray me. “But,” I hesitate, struggling to get the words out. I take a deep calming breath. “What if someone sees us?” I swallow a nervous quiver of fear that’s stuck in my throat.

“I’ll keep my ears open,” he remarks, wearing a mischievous smirk so sinful and so sweet it could rot a person’s teeth. “I promise.” With his sincere declaration fresh in my mind, I lie down in front of him, my back against his chest. His heart pounds, a dull beating drum vibrating through my skin. I focus on that sound. The sound of his heartbeat and tune out the noise that the rushing waters of the Pacific Ocean are making. “I love you, Mrs. Watson,” he says against my ear. There’s a hungry rasp in his baritone voice. “I hope you know that.”

“Of course I do,” I tell him. “I love you too.”

He rests his chin in the crook of my neck and slips his left hand underneath my waist, pulling me closed. We’re so close that our bodies are like sheets of metal melted together. He holds me tight against his chest then slides his right hand underneath the skirt of my dress. His fingertips travel from my calf, up to my inner thigh, leaving goose bumps in their wake. His touch unglues me. It’s so soft. So intricate. So strategic. He knows exactly how to make me crumble beneath him. How to make me become and addict for him and only him.

After sliding my underwear down to my knees, his teeth graze my jawline before his lips wrap around my lower right earlobe. My breaths are coming out hollow and raspy. I’m holding back a moan that I want to let out. I love him. I want him. I need him. Inside of my head. Inside of my body. I think of the way his voice silences every thought running laps through my mind.

“Adelaide,” he murmurs, his hot breath caressing my ear. A growl leaves his lips as more hot air comes out of his mouth in torrents.

And then…

And then he spreads my legs, massaging my sex with two fingers. He leaves a trail of kisses from the curve of my neck down to my collarbone then kisses his way back up to my ear. “Do you want me inside of you, Adelaide?” He nips at my ear gently. “Hmm?”

He’s such a tease. I’m already squirming beneath his grasp, breathing heavily into my armpit, and almost whimpering because I want to feel him inside of me. “Please don’t make me beg,” I groan, turning my head.

Elijah begins to move his fingers, still in-between my legs in a circular motion. It’s driving me insane. “What was that, Mrs. Watson? Are you getting mouthy?” There’s cockiness in his tone and I open my mouth to comment, but I realize I have no words. I can’t speak. I’m silenced by his fingers against my flesh because I know if I tried to say anything, all I’d let out is a moan.

Oh God.

Oh God.

Oh God.

The second he removes his fingers, I feel like I’m receiving some cruel punishment. The area between my legs aches with want and I begin writhing my hips, wanting the release more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life. “Please, Elijah. Please,” I say.

I feel his hot, moist lips against my ear. “Beg me.”

“You’re horrible,” I tell him. “You know that?”

He lets out a husky laugh that echoes across the star-filled heavens and I huff in frustration as he nips at my earlobe with his teeth. The sounds of his zipper swells in my ears while he leaves a trail of strategic kisses along the curve of my neck. I fight back the cry I want to let out when I feel Elijah between my legs. His hips thrust back and forth slowly and my lips find his. “I love you,” he murmurs.

“I love you too.”

Those are the last things we say to each other. After that, we focus on enjoying the first night of our honeymoon and make love under the st


Chapter Four


Plain white walls.

Plain white walls.

Plain white walls.

I am held prisoner in a cell with four plain white walls.

One barred window.

One barred window.

One barred window.