Just when I least expect it Aurora opens her mouth, pulls herself up the slightest bit, clamps her teeth down on my skin, and bites me hard. Pain travels up my arm at lightning speed and I stumble backwards releasing Aurora's hands. My butt slams into the cold, wet ground and I scramble back to the window just in time to see Marjorie yanking Aurora away. Aurora thrashes beneath her grasp, but manages to meet my gaze. “Run, Adelaide! Run!”

I hear what she's telling me, but I can't react. It's like my hands and knees are cemented into the soil.

Dr. Morrow enters. The wicked leer on his lips chills me to the bone and I glance frantically between him and Aurora. I know he's got something sadistic planned for her, but Aurora doesn't seem fazed by it. She stares at him, a defiant scowl on her lips. She's taunting him. It's like she's telling him, do your best because it won't affect me.

Dr. Morrow shouts at one of the orderlies. “Go outside and get the other one!”

Then Aurora looks in my direction one final time. “Adelaide, run now!”

My feet don't start moving until I see the orderly dressed in white rounding the corner. He sprints toward me and I hop up forgetting the sack at my feet and take off. I pump my legs as hard as I can, staring at the forest in front of me. There are trees of all shapes and sizes.

I'll be safe in those trees.

I can climb them.

I can hide in them.

I used to climb the giant willow tree in my back yard. It was like a game for me and mommy because she'd always come looking for me. The funny thing is that she always knew where I was, but she played along anyway. I was perched above her head in the tree, trying to contain my laughter and she was below, her forearm positioned against her forehead. She squinted out into the field full of yellowed, dead grass. Then she said, “Little bird! Where did you fly to?”

The orderlies’ footsteps thunder in my ears and sound off in sync with my hammering heartbeat.

I've never pushed myself so hard in my entire life. I'm winded. Starting to feel exhausted.

Don't stop now.

Don't stop now.

It's just a few more feet.

I am almost there.

I feel the orderlies’ breath down the back of my neck and feel the tug as his fingertips grasp the edge of my hospital gown. I wrench away though, finding a second wind when I'm at the edge of the forest.

Busting through the thicket at the entrance to the forest, I hear Aurora's frantic shouts in my head.

Run, Adelaide! Run!

The sound of her voice is the only thing that keeps me going. Knowing that she wanted me to escape, and get out even if she couldn't is the only thing keeping the burning sensation inside of my lungs from spreading and dousing the rest of my body in flames.

Run, Adelaide! Run!

I will run, Aurora, I will.

I will run for you.

And me.

I won't stop.

I promise.

I'll keep going just like you wanted me to.

I'll keep running until I can't anymore.

Chapter Two
