Page 10 of The Long Road Home

Wander through the lanes of parked cars.

Find out what is really going on.

Unfastening my seat belt, I leave my keys in the ignition and open my door. I meander out onto the slick road, almost losing my balance, but catch myself on the side of my car. For a second, I stare at the dark grey paint job admiring the way the moonlight dances off the roof. In certain spots the metallic specs in the paint glimmer.

Then I hear a deep, gruff voice shout, “Hey!” Startled, I whip around and almost wipe out again when a man beside me clutches onto my forearm. “Easy.” He lowers his voice. “You almost bit some serious curb there.” There a chuckle in his voice and the deep register of his tone is warm and inviting. He releases my arm and backs away from me. Once he’s a few steps away I get a good look at his face.

Heart-shaped face.

Almond skin tone.

Chocolate brown hair.

With the deepest darkest set of blue eyes I’ve ever seen.

His eyes probe into my mine and I flinch, feeling a little unsettled. This man is attractive and he’s making me nervous. I drop my gaze and play with my fingers. “Looks like you’re a good guy to have around in slippery situations.”

I’ve always been the wall-flower type. I’m not good interacting with people I don’t know. Men especially. I can’t really explain it. My friends like to say I’m more reserved. It takes me forever to really open up.

He lets out a throaty laugh. “Yeah, I guess so.”

My eyes sweep over him from head to toe. He’s tall, but not too tall. Maybe 6’0 at the most. He’s got a stalky build. He’s smiling at me and I notice the dimples in his full cherub-like cheeks. His hair is matted down in spots and he’s got sprays of scruff along his jaw line adding a rugged appeal to him.

I give myself a quick glance in the reflection of my car window, making sure I don’t look like too much of a mess. My blonde hair is in a high ponytail, but sticking up in places. My skin looks sallow and I’ve got dark circles under my eyes. Yeah, there’s no helping this situation. So I smooth down a few fly-a-ways and face him, pressing my lips into a half-smile. “Any idea what’s going on up there?” I ask.

“Four car pileup,” he states as he quirks me a grin.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I groan. “I’m never going to get home.”

He cocks his head to the side and dips his chin down. “Where’s home?”

I let out a long, ragged breath and kick a snowball at my feet. “About two and half-hours north of here.”

“So,” he says. “What’s a pretty young woman such as yourself doing out on the interstate all by her lonesome?”

I flash him a smile. “Traveling. For work.” I try to lean up against my car casually, hoping I don’t slip again and make myself look like an idiot. “How about you?”

“Same.” He points over his shoulder. “That rig back there is mine.”

I fo

llow his finger to see a big rig. The cab is red and attached to it is a long, rectangular closed off white bed. “What do you haul?”

“Plastic piping.” He rolls his eyes and smirks. “I know glamorous, right?”

This guy is funny. I’m digging it. “So glamorous,” I laugh. Still, I’m not into having a let’s get to know each other too personally conversation so I change the subject. “How long do you think traffic will be backed up? Do you have any idea?”

“Honestly, don’t. If I had to estimate, I’d say maybe another hour. Two tops.”

Today just isn’t my day. “Great. Just great.”

“I’ve got a thermos of hot chocolate in my truck. You’re welcome to join me for a cup if you’d like,” he offers.

I decline instantly, “No. I’m just going get back in my car, but thank you for the offer.” My mind is screaming stranger danger, stranger danger, stranger danger.

He turns to walk away, but stops tossing a mega-watt smile over his shoulder. “It still stands if you change your mind.”

I open my door. “Thanks anyway.” I won’t.