“Stephan, what do you want me to do? These little bastards want to make an arrangement,” Vladimir told his boss, Stephan Koldovic.

“What arrangement?”

“These three men from Tenth Street gang. Orlando, Miklos, and Rafael want in on the territory that Dmitri has money invested in. The avenues along the river and East Harlem? They say they can make more money for us. They can tap in on what Dmitri is ignoring.”

“Are you out of your fucking mind? You even having a conversation with these shits could g

et us killed. No one double-crosses Dmitri Sanclare. He’s part of the heads of the families. These fucking lowlife border rats don’t know who they’re messing around with.”

“I hear ya, boss. How do you want us to handle it?”

Stephan thought about it a moment, his mind whirling with a few different ideas.

“Tell them we’ll be in touch.”


“Just do it, then get back here.”

Stephan ended the call and then took a deep breath before he walked back into the office. He made eye contact with the man waiting for him in a three-piece suit. The man had a cigar between thick fingers resting on the arm of the chair. Maxwell Ortega was an extremely wealthy Columbian businessman who had ties to everything black market.

His resources came in handy and Ortega was a good man to have access to, but today it seemed Ortega wanted something from Stephan.

“Sorry about that. Now, what can I do for you, Maxwell?” Stephan asked.

Maxwell nodded his head and then took a puff from his cigar. “It seems I’ve come across some information you may find interesting.”


“I’ve heard that the Tenth Street gang are looking to expand their territory, and in doing so they’ve already placed men into positions at various key locations in Harlem, and the waterfront.”

“They can’t do much. That’s part of my territory as well as Sanclare’s. They wouldn’t be so stupid as to step on our toes and push us to take some power away from them.”

“I believe they’re trying to send a message.”

“What message would that be?”

“That they’re not afraid to start a blood war.”

“A blood war? Like they would have a chance against the Russians?”

“Word is, they’re looking for this woman. A detective who took out Aces and eight of his best men. Rafael, Miklos, and Orlando want revenge. They want you to give up the location of this woman. Otherwise they’re set to take further action.”

“So you come here for them to threaten me and to push for a location on some woman I know nothing about? This isn’t good business, Maxwell. It makes me question your loyalty to me.”

Maxwell took another puff from his cigar then leaned forward to make full eye contact with Stephan.

“You have thirty minutes to give up her location or they’re going to make a move that changes everything.”

“What move would that be?”

“They’re putting a price on this woman’s head. She’ll be fair game to anyone and everyone out there. Dead or alive, they want the detective responsible for killing their brother Aces and screwing up their plans. They’re willing to take you down as well.”

“Take me down? Like that would ever happen. These dumb fucks have let the little bit of power they have go completely to their heads. They’ll never survive a blood war. They can go to hell.”

Maxwell smirked.

“I figured you would say that.”