“Feel like what?” Virgo asked as he pulled her into his arms to kiss her just as thoroughly. She was glad that she said good-bye to Matt and Quaid earlier or she might miss her bus.

“Virgo.” She pulled from his mouth as he did the same move Dale did but actually pressed a finger up between her pussy lips.

“Get back here,” Virgo said as he chased her from the room with her bag in hand.

“You’re going to be late,” Lena said as she stood by the front porch. Sage stopped short and Virgo wrapped an arm around her waist and held her to him. He kissed her neck as he looked at Lena.

“Hello, Lena. We were just saying good-bye to Sage.”

Lena smiled. “I see that. But we need to go.”

Virgo released her and they locked up her door and headed toward Lena’s black Expedition. Sage stood by the door as Dale pulled her into his arms and kissed her again.

“Call us as soon as you get to Curtis’s.” She smiled and then got into the truck. Lena waved good-bye.

Sage smiled as they pulled down the long dirt driveway and onto the main road. The men still weren’t crazy about her staying with Curtis, but Sage let Matt talk with Curtis over the phone and he felt better about the sleeping arrangements.

“So, it’s been a crazy twenty-four hours for you, huh?” Lena asked.

Sage smiled.

“The craziest.”

“Are they taking their time with you?” Lena asked. Sage reached over and touched her arm.

“They’re good men. I’ve never felt so connected before. I really care for them.”

Lena smiled, and seemed to lose that worried expression she had when she first arrived.

“I’m glad to hear it. So how the heck did you get them to let you leave them for two days?”

Sage chuckled. “This was a planned thing before Saturday night happened. They need to know that I’m independent and have my own dreams. I told them that I was exploring my options and I needed to secure any potential jobs in case I leave Pearl after the summer.”

“Well, you know you have my support. As much as I would prefer for you to live here, I understand that you need to find happiness. Who knows, maybe being away from them right now when things just heated up so quickly, will put your future plans in perspective?”

Sage smiled.

“You sound like Matt.”

Lena chuckled.

“How is your arm feeling? I’m assuming that you’ll see doc when you come back?”

“Yes. The bus doesn’t get into Turbank until midnight. Kenny said that he’s working the night shift and can get me so no one has to be up too late.”

“And one of your men didn’t try to insist that they pick you up?” Lena asked.

“Oh, they did. But Kenny was also insistent.”

Lena chuckled. “That’s Kenny. So what did your friends have to say about Saturday night?”

“Oh, they’re still recovering, I think. Mary met some guy and she’s meeting him for lunch in town today. Amanda met someone and still hasn’t called any of us back yet. I swear, I think Corey and Bill really like her and are pissed about her being with another guy. Their cousins Aiden and Jack like her, too, but they’re older, and keep to themselves. They don’t like partying or hanging out at dance halls. Amanda is younger. I think they’re hoping to give her some time to grow up.”

“Why don’t they tell her how they feel?”

“Lena, Aiden and Jack are older, Corey and Bill, well, they’ve been friends since kindergarten. They think she would never see them as anything more than that. But I could tell they were pissed off. Even when she was dancing with the two guys at the dance hall. That’s what really started the bar fight.” Sage explained the whole story, and Lena covered her mouth and gasped.

“You better not let the guys, mine or yours, find out about the way things really went down.”