“You asshole! She’s just a kid!”

He kicked out her legs, and Lena fell to the ground. She was about to get up when she heard the click of the gun and then saw the barrel of his revolver.

“You’re coming with me.”

He pulled her up and began walking her back toward the exit on the other side of the building. In the distance, she could hear the sirens.

“Let’s move, Sage, now.”

“No. Let her go and I’ll go with you.”

“I don’t give a shit about her anyway. You’re free bitch.”

Sage began to cry.

“Help is outside, Sage. They’ll take care of you.”

As Triumph forced her down the corridor of the building, she started giving him shit.

“I can’t believe you forced yourself on a kid.”

“I didn’t say I fucked her, I just played with her. She’s built like a fucking boy. Unlike you, Lena.” He pulled her against him and rubbed his hand along her ribs to her breast as he held the gun to her throat.

She tilted her head back, and she couldn’t help but be disgusted by his stench and his touch. She hated this man. He killed Ariel, those innocent people, and nearly got to Sage.

“I’ll kill anyone who stands in the way of you and I being together. You showing up like this worked out perfectly.”

“How’s that? The way I see it, you’re surrounded by cops out there and there’s no place for you to run now.”

“They won’t touch me as long as I have you as my hostage. I’ve got friends hooking me up, Lena. I was headed out of here today when you showed up at Mark’s restaurant. You think I don’t know that it was you who gave the cops my location?”

Lena didn’t know if he were lying or not. All she knew was that she wasn’t going far with Triumph, and she wasn’t going to die here.

“I didn’t tell the detectives anything. You think you don’t have enemies out there trying to destroy your operation, then you’re stupid. Where the hell do you think you’re going to go, Triumph? Your mug is all over the television and newspapers. You’re a wanted man.”

He grabbed the front of her shirt and shook her hard.

“Shut up, Lena. I’ve gotten this far.” He pulled her along the back of the building and headed deeper into the darkness. Suddenly she heard multiple gun shots then yelling.

“Lena? Lena where are you?”

Kenny. Oh God, if Kenny comes running in, then Triumph might shoot him.

She heard Sage scream. “Triumph has her. He’s taking her right now.”

Lena felt her heart pounding in her chest as Triumph dragged her along. She tried planting her feet in the ground, and then he paused, shoved the barrel of the gun against her head, and yelled at her.

“I’ll put a fucking bullet in your head, bitch! Now move it.”

He was in charge. What Triumph demanded he got, but then she started to think about Ariel. She thought about the circumstances of her death and how horrific it was. He had stabbed her, raped her, and left her in a Dumpster dead. He was garbage.

“Fuck you, Triumph. I hate you. You’re nothing to me.”

“Police! Freeze!” someone yelled.

He swung at her and she swung back. At the same time the darkness illuminated from large spotlights. Multiple police surrounded them. Triumph lifted his gun, prepared to shoot her, when she kicked it from his hands. It fell to the ground and she dove for it as Triumph jumped on top of her. They struggled for the gun as multiple officers, including Kenny, came to her aid. She had her fingers on the trigger as Triumph covered her body and tried to bang her hands from the grip she had on the weapon. She pulled the trigger and multiple shots went off.

“Lena!” Kenny yelled, and she pushed Triumph off of her. She held the gun tight and began to shake uncontrollably.