“Well, lunch is over so I’d better get back up front. Come walk with me, Kenny,” Doc stated, and Lena thought that Kenny looked disappointed.

“See you around, Lena. It’s a pleasure meeting you, doll.”

Lena smiled then looked back at her computer. As Kenny and Doc exited, Lena couldn’t help but glance back at Kenny. His backside was a perfect as his front. The man knew how to wear a uniform. That was for certain. She quickly looked away as he glanced back at her.

* * * *

Lena was getting more comfortable sleeping in the office, but today the weather had reached ninety degrees, and it was hot inside, so Doc turned on the air-conditioner. Problem was, now she couldn’t get it to turn off. She pulled on her sweatpants and her black hooded sweatshirt. It had saved her many nights of feeling the frigid fall temperatures in Detroit.

She kept the flashlight on in the office and was reading when she heard some noises coming from the front entrance. She peeked through the blinds, and the moment she saw the patrol truck she freaked out. Now, either the deputy was checking in on the office to make sure it was safe from burglars, or he was coming for her. But how did he know that she was staying there? Doc promised to not let anyone know and all week she had been fine. Shit!

* * * *

Kenny didn’t like the fact that there was a small light that appeared to be a flashlight coming from his father’s office. He called it into the station, and Wyatt was on his way over. There had been a series of small break-ins around the outskirts of town, so he wasn’t taking any chances.

Wyatt pulled up just as Kenny was about to go through the front door.

“I’ll take the front and you take the back. Nice and slow, Kenny. I have a feeling that the thieves we’ve been after are teenagers.”

Kenny nodded then quickly headed around back.

The second he rounded the corner, he could hear Wyatt yell the word “stop” inside, and then someone barged through the back door.

“Stop! Police!” he yelled to them, but they kept running. Dressed all in black, short, and fast as hell, the criminal had to be a kid. He chased him, catching up because of his long legs and training. But then the kid disappeared behind the building.

On the other side, Kenny caught sight of Wyatt, and Wyatt was pointing in the opposite direction. Kenny turned and saw the teenager running from his direction.

He yelled stop again then cursed as he jumped over the planters and headed toward them. The kid was headed back toward the office and right toward the patrol truck. He came up on the kid quickly then reached out and grabbed the hood. She screamed. It was a girl, he realized as he turned her around and pressed her to the truck.

“Ouch!” she yelled.

“What the hell? Why did you run? Who the hell are you?” he asked as he began to pat her down best he could in the thick sweat suit she was wearing. It was fucking ninety degrees out.

“Let go of me. I didn’t do anything wrong,” she yelled just as Wyatt approached.

“A girl?” Wyatt asked, and Kenny gave him a dirty look. It was obvious that Wyatt was teasing him for letting a girl get the upper hand on him and run faster.

Kenny turned her around and pushed the hood away. Both he and Wyatt stood in shock.

“What?” she asked, filled with sarcasm.

“You? What the hell were you doing in my father’s office this time of night?” Kenny stepped closer. She kept her arms crossed in front of her chest and stared up at him.

“You know her, Kenny?” Wyatt asked.

“I work at the office, jerk.”

“She works there?” Wyatt asked, sounding amused.

“Yes, I do. You can call Doctor Jones.”

“Why were you there this late?” he asked, giving her the stare down. God, she was fucking gorgeous. He thought she was a damn kid, she was so petite.

“Ask your father.”

“Why did you run, sweetheart?” Wyatt asked in a much calmer tone, and Lena seemed to respond better to him. She uncrossed her arms and looked him over from head to toe.

“I didn’t know why he was coming in there. I thought he was going to attack me or something.”