He swallowed hard and hoped that she wasn’t in some kind of trouble.

“I know what a family practitioner is. People like you a lot. They talk about you as soon as they exit the office. Heard them say that you were the best doctor around and a good person.”

“I’m the only doctor around for miles, honey.” He chuckled but she didn’t. “Are you going to tell me where you’re from?”

“A long ways away from here, Doc.”

“Well, welcome to Pearl. What’s your name?” he asked.

She remained silent but moved a little closer.

“How come there aren’t any public restrooms around here with showers?” she asked.

“No need for them.”

“I need one,” she mumbled then began to walk away.

“Hey, what about my invite, you know, to come meet my family?”

“That’s okay, sir, I mean, Doc. Thank you for the food and the clothes. I’ll manage. I just need to…”

She hesitated. He could tell that she wanted to ask something, but she fidgeted with her hands a moment.

“Is there anything I can help you with? Maybe call someone for you?”

“I just need to get a shower and get cleaned up so I can find a job. Do you know of anyone who’s hiring?” she asked, sounding kind of mature for a teenager.

“I can ask around. Got any experience with anything particular?”

“I’ve waitressed, cleaned houses, and lots of other small things.”

He thought about that a moment, and an idea began to form in his head.

“I have a shower and bathroom inside my office. I can get the things you need, and you can get ready in there.”

She stepped back.

“I don’t think so. How do I know you’re not some kind of pervert?” she asked.

He cleared his throat.

“I’m not, but I’m impressed that you’re wary and not gullible. I can call my wife Abigail. She can stick around if that makes you feel better?”

“Tomorrow, same time as tonight good?” she asked.


“Good night, Doc.”

She disappeared into the darkness, and he felt both triumphant and nervous. She wasn’t very trusting, which indicated that she was used to being betrayed or lied to. He had to call Abigail. His wife would help him.

* * * *

Dr. Jones headed over to his son Bryant’s house. He knocked on the door then turned the knob when no one answered.

“Bryant! Bryant, it’s Dad, are you in here? Are you okay?”

“Leave me alone,” Bryant yelled, and Dr. Jones headed into the living room. He was shocked to see Bryant lying on the floor with a pillow under his leg and weights on the floor.