“Really? People actually do that for real?” Lena asked.

Abigail and her husband laughed.

“Yes, and it is just one of the many contests we have in town. The men from the ranches put on small rodeos. We host one on our ranch. All three of my husbands run the event along with two of my sons, Quinn and Blake,” Abigail told Lena.

“I’m sorry, did you just say husbands?”

“Yes. We better explain a few things about this town to you.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I think I get it. I saw a few couples and groups of people while walking around town. One had four men with one woman and another had two men with one woman. They were kissing her and both holding her hands. Isn’t that kind of illegal or something?” Lena asked, scrunching her eyes together.

“Well you see, honey, legally I am married to Doc, but I am equally committed to all my husbands. It’s acceptable in the town, and in many surrounding towns as well. As a matter of fact, more ménage relationships are popping up around the country. It involves true love and a commitment like no other relationship. It’s special, and we would like to believe that it’s fated by a much higher power than what most are used to.”

“Sounds too perfect and more like a fantasy,” Lena stated, and the Doctor chuckled.

“How about you start working here tomorrow morning?” Doc offered, the thought springing into his head. He still felt compelled to keep an eye on her and knew nothing about her.

“Really? Doing what?” she asked.

“Oh, do you know about computers at all?” he asked, and she raised her eyebrows at him as if he’d asked her the most stupid question.

“I don’t own one, but I know how to use one. I used to stay all day in the libraries and read and do research on the computers in the wintertime.” She swallowed hard and looked a bit uncomfortable about sharing a little bit about herself. The doctor wondered exactly how long she had been on her own and why no one helped her.

“Well, I have an updated computer that my sons purchased for me on my birthday. I’ve been meaning to transfer all my paper files over to computer files so that things would run more smoothly around here. Is that something you think you might be able to do?”

“Of course. I may need a little time to brush up on my computer software skills if that’s okay?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Abigail added, and they all smiled.

She began to pull together her things as if preparing to leave.

“Where are you staying, Lena?” Doctor Jones asked.

She paused a moment then nibbled her bottom lip.


Abigail walked closer to Lena, and when she went to place her hand on Lena’s shoulder, Lena pulled away and took a step back.

Doctor Jones could see the fear in Lena’s eyes and the surprise on Abigail’s face.

“I won’t hurt you, Lena. I was just going to offer a place for you to stay.”

“I can stay outside. The nights are warm.”

“Nonsense. You can stay in here. My office has a small couch, but you’re such a petite thing I’m certain that you’ll fit on it.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be trouble.”

“We’re sure. The staff gets in by seven. I usually arrive first, so if you want to be ready to start by eight I can bring you breakfast as usual.”

“Thank you. You have both been very kind. I’ll pay you back.”

“No worries, sweetie. Have a good night and we’ll see you in the morning.” Doctor Jones grabbed his bag and helped to turn out the lights.

* * * *

The Joneses were very nice people. It was so foreign to Lena to meet such storybook types. It reminded her of some of the stories she had read while in the library. She had to admit the whole ménage relationship thing scared the heck out of her. She did read one story once about such a relationship, and it had a happy ever after. That just wasn’t reality. People were cruel and liked to talk about other people and put them down. Mostly men were pigs who just wanted a woman to put out. She closed her eyes and exhaled. Damn, Ariel, I hope you’re still alive and not dead somewhere.