“Your cute little girlfriend is coming this way. Maybe my partner should grab her for himself. She had a nice set on her, too,” he whispered.

Anna shook her head.

“No? You don’t want us to take her, too? Then cooperate and stay quiet, or she’s dead.”

Anna froze in place, trying to let him know that she agreed to his terms.

“Man, I’d love to fuck you right here against this tree. If the bitch wasn’t so close, I’d do it. I guess I can hold off a little longer,” he stated as he began walking her farther away from where Stacy was.

His partner stayed close. They didn’t use flashlights, which made Anna think that they knew where they were going and had been watching her.

She was so scared. But she needed to focus on Stacy’s safety. As long as she kept these men away from Stacy then she could deal with getting away from them herself as soon as she had the chance.

Way in the distance, she heard Wyatt’s voice, then Ben and the others. They were searching for her. Were they close enough to Stacy to protect her? She couldn’t take the chance that they weren’t. Her heart continued to pound against her chest. She was so scared, but she worried about Stacy and the baby, so she didn’t fight them.

They walked through a heavily dense area of bushes and trees before a clearing. Anna hadn’t been this far out on the property, so she had no idea where they were or how far away from the house or main road.

“We better move fast, Vinny. Marcus warned us about leaving too many dead bodies around.”

“We’re almost in the clear. You drive, so my woman and me can get to know one another better,” he stated then ran his hands over her thigh and between her legs. Anna shoved his hand away then sprang free, but before she could get away, his partner grabbed her by the hair, pulling her back. She screamed at the pain.

Vinny smacked her across the mouth, sending her flying to the dirt.

* * * *

“Stacy, did you find her?” Eric asked as he caught up to her by the river, along with Max.

“No. Damn it, where could she have gone?” Stacy asked, now very concerned.

“Hey, any sign of her?” Charlie approached, along with Wyatt and Ben.

They shook their heads.

Wyatt started looking around the area and by the river.

“She wouldn’t just run off. I don’t like the feeling I have,” Stacy stated as Eric pulled her to him.

“Wait, listen…do you hear that?” Charlie asked.

Everyone quieted down.

“That sounded like a scream,” Ben replied, and they all began running toward the fields.

“We’ll grab the truck!” Eric stated, still holding Stacy’s hand. Max ran ahead to get the keys to the truck.

“Motherfucker! We should have never let her leave!” Ben yelled.

“Let’s just get to her. Damn it, I wish I had a flashlight,” Charlie stated as they ran as quickly as they could through the trees.

* * * *

Vinny pulled Anna up off the ground and shoved her against the car. She cringed in pain as the metal made contact with her back.

“You little bitch! Stop trying to run. You’re mine, and there’s no getting out of it!” Vinny struck her again, but across the cheek instead of the mouth. She felt the pain, but something else came over her. She was angry and so scared, but she didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want them to win and take her away from Charlie, Ben, and Wyatt.

“I’m not yours! I won’t leave here with you,” she screamed.

Vinny smirked as Jake yelled for him to get into the car.