“We took out some chicken this morning. We can just throw it on the grill with some barbeque sauce and have it on rolls with lettuce and tomatoes. Is that good?” Charlie asked.

“I guess so, if that’s what you want.”

Anna felt like they didn’t want her in their kitchen. Was that too intimate? Had she read their feelings and intentions wrong? Maybe they did just want to share her for a while then move on? Her head began to ache at the thoughts.

As she walked toward the bedroom, Ben grabbed her arm.

“What’s wrong?”


“Don’t give me a ‘nothing’. Didn’t you learn anything after your punishment this morning?” Ben teased, squeezing her arm a little tighter.

She lowered her eyes. She didn’t want to admit her fears, and she didn’t want to hear him say that they weren’t serious about her. It would hurt so much.

She felt his fingertips under her chin as he tilted her face up toward him. Charlie stood beside Ben with his hands on his waist, and his eyebrows crinkled. She began nibbling her bottom lip.

A gentle brush of the lips from Ben’s thumb stopped the nibbling.

“What’s wrong?”

“I understand, it’s okay, Ben, I just assumed too much. Relationships are new to me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I understand that you don’t want me in your kitchen. That’s too personal, and we’ve just started…seeing one another.”

“What makes you say that?” Charlie asked.

“You don’t want me to cook for you. You don’t want me in your kitchen and making myself at home. I understand.”

“No, Anna, you don’t. You got it all wrong. We didn’t want you to feel you had to cook for us after cooking all day at the restaurant. And where the hell did you get some ridiculous idea that this relationship isn’t serious?” Ben demanded to know.

“We want you here. We want you everywhere,” Charlie added as he moved closer to her.

His eyes looked darker suddenly, and it warmed her inside.

“We’re looking forward to fucking you in every room in this house. In the kitchen, on the table, against the door…fucking everywhere.” Ben pulled her close and kissed her before she could respond.

A second later, she felt the towel loosen around her body.

“I say we show her how much we want her in our home,” Charlie whispered against her ear as he caressed her shoulders and nibbled on her collarbone.

Anna rolled her head back against Charlie’s shoulder as Ben knelt down in front of her. He placed her foot on his thigh and spread her legs before blowing warm air against her folds.

“Just a little appetizer before dinner, baby,” Ben whispered as he licked her folds and began to feast on her.

It was merely a matter of minutes before Anna moaned her release while holding Ben against her with his mouth still latched on.

The sound of their cell phones ringing, then beeping, put an end to the feast.

They each hugged her, patted and caressed her bottom, and told her to come downstairs for supper because Wyatt was on his way.

Slowly, and still feeling a bit dazed, Anna began to dress.

* * * *

“We’ve been watching this place for twenty-four hours. What the fuck are we waiting for?” Vinny whispered, agitated that they were stuck out in the middle of a field with binoculars.