d wanted to stop by Doc Jones to ask how much she owed him for his medical services.

“Man, I’m so glad that went well. I was jumpy as spit on a hot skillet!” he exclaimed, and Anna laughed. Jack was full of crazy Texas slang, and she loved it.

“You laughing at me again, girl?” he teased, then winked. Anna shook her head, then turned toward the kitchen crew.

“Thanks, everyone. We worked well together our first day.” She smiled.

“You bet ya, Anna. It was our pleasure,” Miguel replied, and the others made similar comments.

Anna held her ribs, feeling the achiness increase the longer she stayed on her feet.

“How them ribs feeling, honey?” Mary asked as she joined them by the prep tables.

“I’m okay, just a bit tired.”

“Well, why don’t you call it a day. It’s nearly four in the afternoon. I swear we will just have enough time for Cody to come in and cook all that food you prepped for the dinner crowd. It was an awesome lunch menu you prepared. Maybe when you’re feeling better and all healed up, you’ll be able to work the dinner shift as well,” Mary stated then winked.

“That would be great. This place will be roaring with business. With cooking like Anna’s, the Food Network will be stopping by to check Francine’s out.”

Mary laughed as she gave Jack a shove, then helped clean up the kitchen.

Anna finished up then grabbed her things.

“Can I use your phone? I need to call Stacy for a ride.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that, honey. The sheriff checked in twenty minutes ago and said he’ll meet ya here.”

“Thanks, Mary.” Anna smiled as she took her purse and headed outside to the main dining area.

Anna exited the doors, walking slowly. The more she walked, the more her ribs ached. She had been on her feet since nine in the morning, and now, she paid the price. She was certain if she had taken the time to pop some ibuprofen she would be feeling less achy.

“Hey, Anna, you feeling all right?” Stew asked as Anna held on to the counter for support.

She smiled, trying to brush off his concern.

“I’m good, just a bit tired.”

“I would imagine so. I ain’t never seen Francine’s so crowded. You are an amazing cook,” Stew stated as he walked closer to her. He was a little older than the Cantrells but just as attractive. She heard Beth, one of the waitresses, pining over him.

She smiled.

“That’s nice of you to say.” Anna took a seat near the counter. Stew stood next to her and a bit close for her comfort.

She looked toward the door, hoping that Wyatt would get there soon. She wanted to take a long, hot bath in their fancy tub.

“So, did you learn how to cook back in New York?” he asked, leaning toward her and brushing a finger over her arm.

“Yes. I worked at a bunch of places there.” He was making her feel uncomfortable, and she sensed his attraction to her. This wasn’t good.

“Is it true that you all are staying with Stacy and her men?” he asked, inching closer and touching her arm again.

“Hey, Stew, can you give me a little space? Are you writing a book or something?” she asked, and his eyebrows crinkled.

He put his hand on her knee, and when she tried to move, he put pressure there. Anna began to panic.

“I’m just wondering if you’re fucking all the Cantrells, including Stacy’s men.”

“That’s enough, Stew. If I were you, I’d hightail it outta here before the sheriff shows up. She’s off limits, and unless you want to wind up in a heap of trouble, you’ll stay clear,” Jack stated as he approached the counter and pointed toward the door.