Charlie and Wyatt chuckled as Ben clenched his teeth in agony. Finally, she released him.

“Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong?” she asked, confused and out of breath.

Ben leaned forward and covered her mouth with his own, kissing her wildly before finally releasing her lips.

“Not one fucking thing wrong, Anna. You’re a natural.”

That brought a smile to her face as Wyatt thrust his cock one last time before pulling from her body. Charlie pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Chapter 11

Anna felt the fingers against her neck, and she couldn’t breathe. The hot breath against her shoulder and ear made her want to hurl. She tried to fight her attacker, but his hold was strong, and he lifted her off the ground like a rag doll. She screamed for him to let go and to leave her alone, but he laughed. She kicked him, her foot landing against his inner thigh, causing him to loosen his hold. She fell to the ground, her ribs throbbed, but she clawed at the dirt to escape. He was on her in an instant, ripping her dress off of her, revealing her body to his evil eyes.

She spit at him, her only weapon of defense before he slapped her across the mouth. He beat on her and spread her legs. “You filthy whore! I killed your men, now, you’re mine!”

Anna screamed, kicked, and cried for help until suddenly she heard Wyatt’s voice. He was yelling at her.

* * * *

“Wake up, damn it!” Wyatt demanded. Wyatt and Ben tried to get Anna to come out of the nightmare.

Finally, what seemed like many minutes had passed, she jerked upright, the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Wyatt and Ben both spoke to her.

“Honey, you’re all right. You’re with us,” Wyatt stated.

“God, baby! That was scary,” Ben added as he caressed her arms.

Anna looked at both of them before closing her eyes.

Wyatt lay on his elbow next to her as she c

lung on to the sheet.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, then rolled into Wyatt, clinging to his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him.

“Does that happen every night?” Ben asked while he caressed her shoulders and back, placing tiny kisses along her shoulders.

She nodded her head.

Wyatt clenched his teeth and locked gazes with his brother.

They shared the same anger and look of concern.

Anna tilted her head up toward Wyatt. “Where’s Charlie?”

“He had to go out and check on a few of the animals. One of the mares was sick the last few days,” Wyatt whispered, then placed his hand against her cheek.

He stared at the leftover tears clinging to her long, dark eyelashes. His chest tightened.

“Baby, I thought Doc Jones gave you something to help you sleep,” he inquired.

“I don’t like the way they make me feel. I’m all drowsy in the morning and unaware of where I am when I first wake up.”

He gave her a look as if scolding her for not following doctor’s orders.