“Anna, it’s no big deal. We have two extra bedrooms. You can stay for as long as you like or as long as you think Stacy and the guys need.”

“No, I can’t. I…I can’t…you…you.” She shook her head and tried to step by them. Both he and Ben grabbed a hand.

“Whoa there, honey. It’s okay,” Ben stated, standing in front of her, blocking her path.

Charlie saw the fear in Anna’s eyes at being blocked.

“Sit down, Anna. Please?” Charlie asked, and although she hesitated, she took a seat.

“We would never hurt you, Anna. That’s something you have to believe and trust about us.”

“It’s understandable that you’re scared, but we would never force ourselves on you. Real men don’t do that kind of thing,” Ben stated, taking a seat next to her on the swing.

Anna looked shocked at his statement, and Charlie saw the tears reach her eyes.

She looked down at her hands as she spoke.

“I don’t know you…either of you.”

“Sure you do, doll. You’ve been around us for a few weeks now. What you see is what you get,” Ben stated.

“I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea. If I stayed…here…I mean.”

“No wrong idea. Just us offering an extra bed so you can give Stacy, Max, and Eric some alone time. No strings and no expectations. We just want you to be safe, and staying in town alone is not a good move.”

“I would be fine.”

“Not a chance we’re willing to take,” Charlie countered.

“Yeah, especially after what Wyatt said about the men in town asking about you.”

“Asking about me? Why?”

Ben and Charlie chuckled.

“Not your worry. Wyatt will spread the word,” Charlie added.

“And what word would that be?” Anna asked.

Charlie cupped Anna’s chin and tilted it up toward him.

“That you belong to the Cantrell brothers. Wyatt, Ben, and me,” Charlie replied, then kissed her long and deep.

By the time he released her lips, she wasn’t certain what she just agreed to by spending the weekend in their house.

As Charlie released her, Ben took his turn pulling her toward him and kissing her just as deeply.

She clung to his chest, holding on to the amazing sensations these men sent through her body from their kisses alone. Her mind spun with thoughts of being loved and cherished. But then came reality. As Ben released her lips, she saw the raw desire in his eyes. They wanted her, but was she ready to take such a chance? She feared losing herself and what fraction of an identity she had left. Ben, Charlie, and Wyatt were such different men. She admired their individuality and what she knew about them so far, but intimacy and reacting on emotions wasn’t smart thinking. If her present track record was any indication of the possible results, this could prove disastrous. Me, in a sexual relationship with three men at once? Crazy!

Chapter 8

Brooklyn, New York

“So you’re fucking telling me his kid is so hot that you want to track her down, drag her back here, and use her to make back the money her old man owes us?” Marcus asked.

“He’s dead fucking serious. He’s had a hard-on for weeks since she skipped town,” Jake replied with a snicker.

“Fucking-A, I have. I’m telling you, boss, she’s so fucking hot and pure that I might just have to pay her daddy’s debt and keep her for myself,” Vinny replied.