Anna turned toward Charlie’s voice behind her.

He looked handsome today, as usual, in his forest green checkered shirt and dark blue jeans. His hat had hay on it, along with his shirt.

Quickly, she turned away and back toward the sight in front of her.

These men were so lucky to be able to witness this all the time. It was touching to see the mom guiding and protecting the colt. It made Anna feel good to have witnessed it.

“Were you in the garden today?” Charlie asked, and both Anna and Ben turned their attention towards him.

She nodded.

“Did you pick any flowers?”

“No,” she replied then wrung her fingers together in front of her. Being in such an enclosed place with both Charlie and Ben made her fidget.

“Well, next time, bring along a basket and some clippers to take some flowers. That’s why we planted them and continue to grow so many. Did Ben show you the bench?”

“She was sitting there when I found her.”

Charlie smiled.

“Our mom used to sit out there and enjoy the garden before she picked her flowers. Our dads told us she was the one who carved their initials in the wood.”

“That’s nice. The garden is lovely. Next time I will pick some if you’re sure it’s okay?”

“Definitely,” Ben replied.

They stared at her a few moments, and she felt awkward. It was hard enough to breathe and not stumble through her words, let alone maintain a conversation. Both men were so appealing.

Before she made a fool of herself, she made an excuse and headed back toward the house.

* * * *

“What did you think?” Ben asked.

“I think she’s sweet.”

“But timid.”

“You’d be, too, if you survived what she has. I’m glad you had a chance to spend some time with her. She seemed comfortable with you.”

“She did, and I was glad that I found her in the gardens. I was worried when Stacy said she hadn’t seen her.”

“Well, as long as she stays on the ranch, we can keep an eye on her. I’m glad she’s finally talking to us more.”

“Me, too,” Ben replied then walked over to the corral to take another look at the colt.

* * * *

Anna borrowed a dress from Stacy. She knew she needed to impress the owner of Francine’s Restaurant if she wanted a job there. Stacy helped her with a fancy updo, and she gave her some makeup and lip gloss.

“Now, Jack is a flirt and a half, but he’s harmless. His wife, Mary, is a sweetheart, and as long as you work hard, respect their orders, and show them respect, you should be fine. Once they try your cooking, they won’t want to let you go. So, be confident,” Stacy told her before they left the room and headed downstairs.

When they arrived in the kitchen, the whistles and comments began.

Anna froze in place and lowered her head.

“Hot damn, woman, you are a sight!” Ben exclaimed as he approached her, took her in his arms, and twirled her around.