“We want in on this. Anything you find out, you let us know, and if we have to head to New York, we’ll do it.”

Wyatt locked gazes with Charlie and Ben.

They all nodded in agreement.

“What are we agreeing to here that we’re not stating?” Ben asked.

They were silent a moment until Charlie spoke.

“I want her. I want to love her, take care of her, and show her how wonderful life can be after feeling such heartache and pain. I know what it’s like. I thought the war had destroyed my heart and my soul. But if it weren’t for you two, for Eric and Max, or the Triple C ranch, I’d have ended my life.”

Ben placed his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Those were tough times. We made it through together, and we’ll help Anna make it through this.”

“I always knew we would find a woman that we could share. Each of us has many things to offer Anna if she’ll accept us,” Wyatt replied.

“That’s going to be the fun part,” Ben exclaimed. Both Charlie and Wyatt looked at him funny.

“Wooing our woman, fellas…She’s stunning, she’s petite, and, damn, can she cook.”

Wyatt and Charlie laughed.

“That isn’t going to be so easy to do. We all have pretty intense personalities,” Charlie replied.

“As long as we’re on the same page, we’ll handle this together,” Ben added as he took the front porch steps two at a time.

Wyatt glanced at the bedroom window one more time.

Charlie exhaled, feeling the same anxiety he was sure that Wyatt felt.

“We don’t know that much about her,” Wyatt whispered, and Charlie sensed his brother’s hesitation.

“No, we don’t. But we’ll work on that. We’ll each take time to get to know her and see if she really is the one for us.”

“Charlie, she’s been through a lot. I’m rough around the edges and then some.”

Charlie leaned against the railing to the steps.

“What are you afraid of?”

“I don’t pussyfoot around people, male or female. I’m straightforward, and if I want something, I go get it.”

“What are you not saying?”

Charlie watched Wyatt run his fingers through his hair.

“I don’t know if I can be gentle, and I don’t want to hurt her. She’s been hurt, and she seems like a genuinely good person. Her concern over Stacy and all of us before her own safety and well-being is a perfect example of her selflessness. You and Ben are good at the coddling stuff, not me. I just don’t think a ménage relationship with her will work.”

“That’s crazy thinking. You’re just scared because you are attracted to her, you admire her character and her good looks.”

“I didn’t say I was scared.” Wyatt pushed away from the post and walked up the stairs as if ending the conversation.

Charlie stopped him by touching his shoulder.

“There’s no need to rush this. She may not even be interested in us or ever have considered a ménage relationship. It’s going to be new for all of us, so let’s just focus on making her feel safe and making her want to remain on Triple C.”

Wyatt released a sigh instead of giving an answer as he walked into the house.

* * * *