“Is everything all right?” he asked, and immediately, Anna pulled away from Stacy as she wiped her eyes.

“Just some girl talk,” Stacy replied, rising from the seat and heading back to the sink.

“You need a drink, Charlie?”

“No, Stacy, that’s all right. I came by to check on my girl Anna.” He smiled wide, and Anna felt that funny feeling in her gut again. He was a good-looking man, a cowboy, and would have his share of women pining over him. The thought made her jealous. What a moron. She was clinging to an imaginary attraction because he had helped to bandage her up while she was wounded. She needed to put a stop to it now.

“I’m fine, Charlie, and I appreciate you helping me out with my injuries. But, I don’t…need looking after. You have important work to do on the ranch and…I’m not your girl. I’m not a girl…I’m…”

She paused, her words and what she wanted to say was all twisted inside.

The phone rang, and Stacy answered it, then left the room talking.

Immediately, Charlie took the seat next to her and scooted closer.

He placed the Stetson he held in his hand down on the table then looked her in the eye.

Slowly, he reached toward her face, brushing a loose strand of hair away from her eye.

His thumb caressed her lower lip as he smiled at her.

“I like calling you my girl.”

She turned away and lowered her face, looking down into her lap.

“Look at me, Anna,” he whispered, helping her by cupping her chin and tilting it up toward his face.

Charlie had long, hard fingertips but a gentle touch. She looked into his eyes, and her heart pounded in her chest from being so close to him.

“I like looking after you, and yes, I have responsibilities, but I can also check in on you whenever I want. I know that Wyatt and Ben will as well. We’re gonna take care of you, so you best get used to it quick.”

She shook her head. “I’m not staying here. As soon as I’m able to travel, I’m going to leave.”

“No, you’re not. You’re staying right here on this ranch in Pearl.”

“You don’t understand. I don’t want to intrude, and I don’t belong here. I don’t know if they’ll come…” She quickly closed her mouth and tried to pull away. Charlie wouldn’t let her.

“You don’t know if who will come?” The sound of Wyatt’s deep voice filled the room.

Anna immediately saw the uniform, and the tears filled her eyes. She pulled away from Charlie and stood up. Charlie stood up as well and immediately pulled her into his arms.

Anna swallowed hard.

The last thing she needed to do was inform a sheriff about the men from New York. That would be like attaching a homing device to her forehead along with a bull’s-eye. No. She had to keep their identities a secret.

“Well?” Wyatt asked again as he eyed her from head to toe.

He wasn’t as handsome as Charlie and Ben. He had a meaner looking expression. His facial structure was strong and defined. He had character but looked untamed. Even his nose wasn’t perfect and showed it had been broken at least once. Yet, she was attracted to him as well. Any woman would look at him with the desire to tame him if she could. She wasn’t that kind of woman. She had always been weak and powerless when it came to men just like these cowboys. It was how her father defeated her, broke her down with his name-calling and physical abuse. Wyatt was firm and persistent, and it intimidated Anna big time.

“I asked you a question, Anna.”

She jumped at his tone, which didn’t go unnoticed.

“Wyatt, you’re scaring her.” Charlie tried to intervene as he held her closer against his chest.

Wyatt moved closer to them. She swallowed hard at the sight of his massive chest beneath the fancy sheriff’s uniform. His gun and holster sat on his hip just daring someone to make him draw. She had a feeling he was quick and good with a gun. The thought made her belly warm. His badge, his whole alpha male demeanor was filled with testosterone. He was a badass, and he knew it.

She was forced to look straight up at his six foot four body until she reached his eyes.