“Now, let’s get the X-rays done and see where we stand there.”

“Do you think they’re broken?”

“We’ll have to see. With the size of the men you described, plus your petite size, it’s very possible.”

“You ready?” he asked, holding out his hand.

She nodded, and he helped her down from the table.

* * * *

Stacy remained straight-faced during the ride back to the ranch. Anna wrung her hands together on her lap and stared out the window.



“I…I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I had no place to go, and when everything happened, I got on a plane and just headed here.”

Stacy reached over and patted Anna’s hands.

“I’m glad you did, honey. I’m so happy you’re here and that you’re safe.”

“Um…I know you’re worried, and I just want you to know that I’ll be okay. I survived, and I’ll get through this.”

Stacy was silent a moment and had been patient, not pushing questions on her, and she loved her for that.

“I know you want to know what happened and all, but I need time. Especially since I told Doc Jones everything, I feel kind of spent right now and really tired. I just think you need to know that…that they didn’t rape me,” Anna stated with her lips quivering, and Stacy caressed Anna’s hands as she kept her eyes on the road.

“They?” Stacy asked, sounding angry.

Anna nodded.

Stacy clenched the steering wheel.

“Give me some time, and I promise to explain.”

“You got it, honey. Let’s head home so you can rest. I can’t believe you have broken ribs.”

“Me, either.”

Anna smiled at the thought of having a home. But this wasn’t her home, it was Stacy’s and the handsome Cantrell men’s home. She never really had a home, and the thought of ever having one seemed impossible at the moment.

She wiped the tears with the back of her hand and stared out the window at the stunning countryside.

She would love to live here. The town was quaint and lovely. The people were friendly, and the land was open and clean. There weren’t horns honking, garbage on every corner. It was like something from a movie. Especially Dr. Jones, who was so kind and easy to talk to. People wished for doctors like him and towns like Pearl.

Granted, there were nice parts of New York City, but she lived in the shittiest. It was all she could afford. There was always trash by the entranceway, trash on every floor, and an elevator that never worked properly. She was shocked that the fire escape hadn’t broken on her way down it.

Anna felt nervous at the memory. It was the scariest thing she had ever been through. She figured after that she would be afraid of heights for the rest of her life.

The closer they got to the ranch, the calmer she seemed to get. Talking to Dr. Jones seemed to make her feel a bit better.

Chapter 6

Stacy let the men know that Anna was all right. She eased their minds when she informed them that Anna hadn’t been sexually assaulted. They had questions, especially Charlie, Ben, and Wyatt. Stacy couldn’t help but think that the three Cantrells were attracted to Anna. They expressed concern for her every day, and any time they had free, they came by to check on her.

Anna seemed surprised that she had two broken ribs and five badly bruised ones. No wonder she was sick with fever and in such bad pain. They were amazed at her strength for baring it so long and flying in a plane, traveling to get to Texas with such injuries.