“Join the club,” Charlie responded.

“There’ll be none of that. Let’s just figure out what happened and help her to heal,” Wyatt stated, sounding authoritative.

“Stacy said that Anna’s father was abusive. He has a drinking problem, and Anna’s been supporting them on her own for the last three years,” Eric added.

Remarks flew through the room at the information.

“You think her old man did this?” Ben asked in shock.

“Not sure. Stacy was adamant about getting Anna here a year ago. She had been trying to convince her. They’re real close, and last night, she couldn’t sleep,” Eric stated.

“Yeah, she was tossing and turning all night. She told Eric and me that she was worried about Anna. She knew something was seriously wrong,” Max added.

“They must be real close for Stacy to feel that from a distance,” Wyatt replied.

“Well, Anna did travel all the way here before even seeking medical attention. Thank God she got here safely.”

Everyone mumbled in agreement before the room fell silent.

“There’s something you guys should know.” All eyes were on Charlie, and they heard the seriousness in his tone.

“Ben and I found bruising and a cut over Anna’s breast. There were bruises everywhere. I didn’t want to go lower. I’ll let Doc Jones ask the questions.”

“Son of a bitch! You think she was raped?” Wyatt asked as he stood up from his chair and paced the room.

“I don’t know. She may have been, or she could have been manhandled so much that the bruises were everywhere. I pray she wasn’t. The bruising is intense, and considering the size of the hand and fingers marks, I’d say the culprit was a large man. We won’t know for sure until Anna confirms this.”

“What kind of monster would lay a hand on a woman her size? On any woman for that matter?” Ben asked, and everyone shook their heads and mumbled comments.

“Let’s see what Doc Jones can find out tomorrow. You all need to make her feel safe and keep an eye on her. I don’t want to go snooping around until we know facts. The only way we are gonna get those facts is by questioning Anna. If she didn’t trust you, Charlie, then I’m sure it’s going to take some time. Let’s see what tomorrow brings,” Wyatt added, and the room went silent.

* * * *

The screams awoke him from his slumber. Charlie had insisted on staying the night in case Anna needed medical attention. He took the stairs to the second floor two at a time. When he got to the open door, he saw Eric and Max first. They looked white as ghosts. Max was running his hands through his hair, his eyes were glossy, and Eric didn’t look much better.

The closer his steps took him into the room, the clearer the image came into view.

The light by the bedside table illuminated the room but not the corner by the bed and behind the recliner. Stacy was on her knees talking, whispering, and caressing something or someone behind the chair.

“It hurts…please, stop them…Daddy!” the voice screamed. It sounded so fragile and helpless.

Charlie slowly came around the bed and leaned down next to Stacy. She knew he was there but never took her eyes or her hands off of her best friend Anna.

Charlie watched as Stacy caressed Anna’s leg.

“They’re gonna kill me. I have to escape!” Anna shook with fear. Whatever had happened to her she was obviously re-experiencing it in her dream. The pain, the upset…everything. Charlie had to do something. His heart ached at the sound.

He got down on his knees in the small space on the floor and gently took Anna’s hand into his own.

“It’s Charlie, Anna. Stac

y’s friend, the doctor, honey…wake up, please. Come on, baby, you’re safe here.” His tone was gentle and caring as he caressed her skin. The sight of her curled up in a ball, clammy and crying, tore at his heart and soul. He worried about her injuries and the position her body was in.

“Stacy, let me pick her up and see if we can get her to wake,” he whispered. Stacy looked at him. He saw the pain she was in and how upset she was getting seeing her friend like this.

Charlie saw Max help Stacy up and pull her into his arms.

Charlie slowly wrapped his arms around Anna, whispering and caressing her as he gently pulled her into his arms.