The pilot nodded, and Wyatt got on with Anna and the medic on board.

He locked gazes with his brothers and fought to keep the tears from flowing.

* * * *

“Let’s get moving. It will take an hour to get to the hospital by car,” Max stated.

“With a state police escort, it will take half the time,” Eric countered as he hit the speed dial on his cell phone.

“Let’s get back to the house, lock things up, and get to Anna as fast as we can,” Charlie replied, and they all headed toward the vehicles.

Chapter 17

Wyatt sat in the emergency room waiting area for over an hour before his brothers and cousins arrived.

“How is she? What are they saying?” Charlie asked as he embraced his brother. Then Ben, Eric, Max, and Stacy followed suit.

He shook each of the deputies’ hands one at a time then answered.

“I don’t know anything yet. They rushed her inside and told me to wait here and that the doctor would be out to see me as soon as he could.”

“Was she still unconscious?” Charlie asked.

Wyatt shook his head.

“Shit!” he exclaimed as he ran his hand through his hair.

“What, Charlie? Why did you ask that?” Stacy asked, placing her hand on his arm.

He looked at her, the sadness and concern apparent in his eyes.

“In a brain injury, the longer she remains unconscious, the worse her prognosis could be.”

“That fucking asshole banged her head against the door frame so hard,” Ben whispered, then swallowed hard and turned away from everyone. Wyatt saw the tears in his brother’s eyes. He was about to lose it himself with worry over Anna.

“Let’s not jump to conclusions. All we can do is wait until the doctor comes out and tells us more,” Wyatt stated, and everyone agreed.

* * * *

It was a good two hours later when the waiting room filled with more visitors. Mary and Jack came by with food and drinks for everyone from Francine’s. The workers from the ranch and a few other store owners and friends from town came in as well. When Doctor Jones arrived, he went right up to the front desk, smooth-talked the nurse, and was able to go into the restricted area where they weren’t allowed to enter.

“Dr. Jones will get an update,” Eric whispered to Stacy as he held her in his arms.

Everyone turned toward the door as Dr. Jones and another doctor dressed in scrubs came out. He looked a bit taken aback at the crowd.

Dr. Jones whispered something to him and pointed toward Wyatt, Ben, and Charlie.

“I’m Dr. Martin, brain injury specialist.” He reached out and shook the men’s hands one at a time.

“First, let me tell you that we are taking very good care of Anna. She is getting the best treatment, and we are thorough in our evaluations. The medevac paramedics explained how her injury occurred, which is important for me to know in order to evaluate her treatment and make certain she recovers.”

“Did she gain consciousness?” Ben asked.

“No. Not yet, which is what I am most concerned over.”

“Jesus! What else can you tell us?” Charlie asked.

“Is she going to be all right? Will she recover completely?” Stacy asked.