Vinny grabbed her by the hair, and she kicked and screamed, fighting him with all she had. She used her fingernails and felt them rip as they scratched deeply into his skin. She screamed at the top of her lungs as he threw her into the backseat of the car.

Reaching above her, she grabbed for the door handle to try and escape, but he slammed her in the stomach. She cried out, still tr

ying to fight him and grab for the handle.

Somehow, she got it open as he ripped the shirt from her body, and she fell to the ground headfirst.

Her cheek and temple hit the ground hard, stunning her a second, before someone grabbed her from the ground and pulled her up.

As it registered in her head that Jake had grabbed her, he slammed her head forward and into the metal frame of the door.

* * * *

“I hear her, there, over there. Fuck, what are they doing to her?” Charlie stated, but they were running so fast, listening to her screams, and the adrenaline was flowing.

Wyatt reached the clearing first and growled as he saw a man bang Anna’s head against the car. She looked like a rag doll as she fell to the ground.

“Get away from her!” Wyatt roared as he attacked the guy and started hitting him.

Charlie ran to Anna as Ben ran around the other side pulling the other guy out of the car and giving him a beating of his own.

In the distance, they heard a truck approaching and sirens as well.

Eric and Max jumped out of the truck with guns drawn and had to stop Ben and Wyatt from killing the two men.

* * * *

Stacy screamed then cried as she saw all the blood and Anna looking like she was dead on the ground.

Wyatt and Ben immediately went to Anna’s side.

“Is she alive?” Wyatt demanded.

“I got a real weak pulse. Shit! Did you see how fucking hard he slammed her to the door. God, I think it’s bad,” Charlie stated.

“The ambulance is on its way,” Eric added from a few feet away. Just then, three other patrol cars and the paramedics made their way across the field.

The paramedics were immediately by her side evaluating her injuries.

They listened as the paramedics spoke into their radios.

“We need a medevac ASAP. Patient in critical condition, large laceration plus swelling, unconsciousness, and dangerously low blood pressure. Surgeons on standby, ETA twenty minutes,” the paramedic stated as they prepared to take Anna by helicopter.

“What’s going on? What do they mean ‘medevac’?” Stacy asked.

“What hospital are you taking her to?” Charlie asked.

“Memorial Hermann, sir,” the paramedic responded, and Charlie felt his stomach clench. It was a great hospital known for treating everything from amputations, head and spinal injuries, to Lupus. But it was also an hour away.

A few minutes later, they could hear the helicopter approaching and beginning to land.

Ben, Wyatt, and Charlie kissed Anna before they rolled the gurney to the helicopter.

They weren’t going to let anyone get on the helicopter.

Wyatt pulled out his badge.

“I’m the sheriff, and this is my woman. Please let me go with her so she’s not alone?”