* * * *

“So what’s the deal? Who’s the kid?” Charlie asked.

Eric smirked. “That’s no kid. She’s Stacy’s friend, Anna.”

“Well, I guess when you’re six foot four other people look like kids,” Eric teased then took a look back toward the house.

“Damn! She a tiny thang? She the one from New York?” Charlie asked.

Eric mumbled a “yeah.”

“Hey, what’s bothering you?” Charlie asked, and Eric smiled. Leave it to his cousin to know him so well.

“Not sure, really.”

“Well, it’s obvious you’re concerned, so spit it out.”

Eric laughed at Charlie. He didn’t beat around the bush about anything.

“Anna has bruises and cuts on her face that she’s trying to hide behind big goofy sunglasses. She’s favoring her ribs as well.”


“She said she was in a car accident.”

“You don’t believe her, do you?”

“No. I don’t, and I’m hoping she’ll come clean with Stacy.”

“Do you think she’ll let me take a look at her? Maybe she hasn’t even seen a doctor.”

“I doubt it. She was nearly ready to bolt when I showed up with Stacy and approached them.”

“You thinking she may be in some kind of trouble?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll see what Stacy says later.”

“That’s a good idea. Keep me posted.”

“Sure thing.”

* * * *

Stacy stood in the spare gust bedroom staring at Anna. She knew something was up but didn’t want to question her in front of Eric. It was obvious that Eric picked up on Anna’s uneasiness and the few white lies she told. Knowing that Anna would never lie to her, she knew she had to have had good reason. Now, watching Anna sitting on the bed and still wearing those goofy seventies sunglasses, she knew she needed answers.

Stacy closed the bedroom door and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“Fess up, girl, or I swear I will tear you a new one!”

Anna clutched the sweatshirt to her chest and slowly pulled off the sunglasses. Anna began to sob.

“Oh, my God, Anna, what the hell happened, and don’t tell me any bullshit about a car accident.” She rushed to kneel in front of her and pulled her into an embrace.

Anna moaned in pain and pulled away. The pain obviously took Anna’s breath away.

“You’re hurt badly, aren’t you?”

Anna tried to explain in between sobs.