“It appears some progress was made this weekend,” Max stated as he joined Wyatt and Ben on the porch.

“Y’all could say that,” Wyatt replied, then took another slug of beer.

Max chuckled.

“How ’bout you? Have a nice, romantic weekend with Stacy?” Wyatt asked.

He noticed that Max lit up immediately.

He stuck his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and started balancing forward and backward on the heels of his boots.

Something was up. Wyatt looked at his cousin sideways in challenge.

Max glanced toward Eric and Charlie.

“How them steaks coming along?” Max yelled.

“Just about done. The ladies ready with the table?”

“Yeah, we’re ready! Let’s move before it gets cold,” Stacy ordered as she and Anna placed bowls on the table.

“That looks real good there, Stacy. I love potato salad,” Ben added as he joined them near the table.

Wyatt observed the others pulling off the steaks then walking onto the porch with a tray of meat.

“Smells real good,” Wyatt said, then watched Eric hug Stacy and smile wide next to her cheek.

“Let’s eat,” Stacy said, and everyone grabbed a seat around the table.

* * * *

Anna was enjoying the dinner when she noticed how attentive Eric and Max were being to Stacy. They kept adding more food to her plate, whispered to her so no one else could hear, but Stacy looked annoyed.

Apparently, Anna wasn’t the only one who noticed.

“Okay. Spit it out. What in the hell is up with you three? You’ve been shoving food on the poor girl’s plate and fussin’ over her. It’s driving her crazy.”

Wyatt got everyone’s attention with his statement, including Stacy, who began to laugh, nearly spitting the food in her mouth out.

“We’re just making sure that she’s eating enough and doesn’t need anything,” Max replied.

“Well, of course she needs fussin’ over. She’s pregnant!” Eric exclaimed, and the excitement filled the air. The men started asking questions about when Stacy found out, how far along was she, did they need any help with anything.

It was so wonderful and so exciting that Anna began to cry. This was a family where everyone cared about one another so much they were willing to sacrifice themselves for the other’s needs. It was becoming clearer and clearer that reliability and trust was important in a family. Stacy was her family, and perhaps, just maybe, the men could be her family, too.

“Hey, baby, are you all right?” Charlie asked as he placed his arms around Anna’s shoulders.

“I’m just fine,” she blurted out.

“What is it, Anna?” Stacy asked.

“This is so perfect. I’m so happy for the three of you. Eric and Max, I know you’re going to be fantastic fathers. I just know it.”

Wyatt raised his glass and made a toast.

“I’d like to make a toast. To Max, Eric, and Stacy, may you be blessed with the first of many happy, healthy babies to add to the Cantrell family!” The men cheered, and Stacy laughed as she and Anna smiled at one another.

Chapter 14