She dressed in a short beige skirt that flared slightly at the bottom and brushed against her thighs a few inches above the knees. The white tank top accentuated her full breasts, along with her toned, defined arms. She felt cool and comfortable as the aroma of food traveled across the yard in her direction. Stacy’s famous chicken wing appetizers were surely on the menu. Anna loved that smell of BBQ sauce, honey, lemon, and fresh thyme.

When she approached the yard, she smiled at the sight before her. Charlie, Wyatt, and Eric were standing by the custom-made outdoor kitchen preparing the grill for the food.

Ben was sitting in a chair with his legs wide, drinking a beer and talking with Max.

Stacy came onto the porch with a glass of iced tea and a bowl of chips.

“Hey, Anna!” she called, and all the men turned toward her as she climbed the steps.

“Hi!” She waved as Stacy put the items in her hands down and pulled Anna into a hug.

“How was the weekend?” Anna asked. Stacy giggled.

“It was fantastic. Since you didn’t come back over last night, I’m assuming things went real well with the Cantrells?” Stacy teased, and Anna nodded.

“Yes!” Stacy exclaimed as she made a fist and pulled it to her hip at the same time.

Anna giggled.

“How are you feeling, baby?” Charlie asked as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her against his chest. Anna turned her head to the side and touched his cheek.

“I feel good.”

“Well, you look real good,” he whispered as he lightly pressed his erection against her backside.

Anna giggled.

“Come over here, sweetheart. Let me have a look at you.” She looked toward Ben, who was curling his finger toward her, then back toward himself. Damn, he was a piece of work, and double damn, she went immediately to him after his command, but not before Charlie gave her a possessive tap to her behind. She swatted at his hand and tried to hide her embarrassment at the public display.

Stacy laughed as if reading Anna’s mind and took a seat next to Max.

Ben looked her over, keeping his hands on her skirt as he had her turn around in front of him. He gave an approving nod of his head then winked at her.

Anna placed her hands on her hips, raised her eyebrows, and gave him a look right back.

“Oh, no, honey, I wouldn’t be playing those types of games with Ben. You should know you’re asking for trouble,” Charlie added with a smirk then took a slug of beer from the bottle he held.

“Are you sassing me, girl?” Ben asked as he caressed her backside and pulled her to him so she would lose her balance.

“Ben!” she exclaimed as she fell forward, her cleavage practically wedged against his chin if she hadn’t been fast enough to stop her fall by placing her hands on his shoulders.

He moved his feet between her feet and separated them, causing her to either lose her balance or shove her ass in the air and into Eric’s face. The others had joined them on the porch.

Giving in, she fell against him in the large cushioned rocker.

Ben pulled her to him so she couldn’t get up. His hand was around her waist and pressed against her back. His other hand was flat against her ass cheek for all to see.

Anna felt her cheeks redden and her temper rise.

“You better watch out, Ben, I think you’ve met your match,” Eric egged Ben on as he laughed.

“Ben, let me up,” she stated through clenched teeth. They were nose to nose.

Ben tightened his hold, making her breasts push up further and closer to his face.

She watched as his eyes looked down and the smile filled his face, dimples and all.

She struggled to get up and, in doing so, pushed her cleavage against his mouth.