Stew stood up then placed his hand against Anna’s cheek.

“Another time and another place, darling.” He tipped his hat and headed toward the door.

Just then, the sheriff arrived.



Anna took a deep breath as she looked at Jack. She hoped he wouldn’t say anything to Wyatt.

He gave her a wink, and Wyatt approached.

“He ain’t causin’ no trouble is he, Jack?” Wyatt asked as he tossed a look over his shoulder after Stew.

“Nahh…just shooten the shit, that’s all.”

He smiled.

“How’s my woman?” he asked as he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips, pulling her from the seat. Anna cringed at the pain.

“She did real good. I’m sure you seen how crowded the joint was?”

“Sure did. They got tons of calls from people unable to find parking spots. Pretty interesting,” Wyatt replied, then winked at Anna.

She blushed at his dimples. Unlike his brother, he had dimples in both cheeks, and even with the shadow of a beard, he looked lethal. She came to realize it only took until about noontime for Wyatt to start growing whiskers.

He helped her down, and she tried her hardest to cover the achiness.

Waving good-bye, they exited the restaurant, and he drove her home in the sheriff’s truck.

* * * *

“You all tired, honey?” he asked as he squeezed her hand and held it against his thigh while he drove.

“Yes,” she replied as she leaned her head back.

“I have a couple of more hours of work, and Ben and Charlie won’t be in until supper time, so you can lie down if you want.”

“I think I would love to take a long, hot bath in that delicious tub of yours.”

“That sounds perfect. Don’t y’all worry about dinner tonight. Stacy and the guys are throwing a little barbeque.”

Anna smiled.

* * * *

Anna got the bath ready, adding some bath salts and bubbles Wyatt got from Stacy. He was so sweet, and she was certain she wasn’t fooling him by hiding her sore ribs.

Slowly, she got undressed then carefully unwrapped the bandages. One glance in the mirror and she could see how red and bruised they were. The discoloration was fading, but at least she was healing. Today was the first day she was active all day and on her feet. She pushed it too far. Anna was certain after the bath that she would feel better.

She held the towel around her as she tested the water.

“Hey, Anna?”

She smiled as she heard Charlie’s voice.

“I’m in here.”