Their facial expressions warned her that they were upset, but she held her ground.

She sat up and planted her feet on the floor.

All three men loomed over her.

* * * *

Charlie was pissed, and as he absorbed the information that Anna tried to sneak off to town, he nearly lost it. There were men that were interested in Anna despite Wyatt’s public proclamation. He and his brothers weren’t taking the chance of losing her.

As she sat up, he absorbed the sight of her. Her hair was ruffled from lying down on Wyatt’s bed, and her blouse loosened, revealing some sort of lacy camisole beneath. It showed a lot more cleavage then he was certain Anna intended. He would make certain that she knew she couldn’t walk around flaunting her assets like that. At least not around anyone but them.

The thought of another man touching her or trying to make a move caused a crazy reaction inside of him.

He grabbed Anna by her hand and pulled her up to him. She squealed right before he covered her mouth in a deep kiss.

Charlie held both her hands behind her back then used his other hand to hold her head in place as he kissed her.

The feel of her tiny, delicate wrists fitting in one of his hands had his cock throbbing with the need to possess Anna.

He was relieved when she didn’t pull away, but instead, she moaned against his mouth.

The kiss lasted a long time, and when he finally released her lips, they were swollen and red.

“In every good, strong relationship, there has to be honesty. So we’re gonna be honest with you, Anna. My brothers and I want you,” Charlie announced as Ben moved in behind Anna, prepared to stop her if she tried to bolt. He was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t move. She stood in front of him with her lips full and her cheeks flushed.

“We are going to protect you, possess you body and soul and love, and provide for you, so there’s no use in fighting it.”

He pulled her back against his chest and began kissing her again before she could protest.

He nearly yelled a halleluiah when he felt her hands rub against his chest. Anna began kissing him back with just as much passion as his own.

* * * *

Anna didn’t know what came over her. One minute, she wanted to run for her life, and the next, she wanted to throw inhibition to the wind with a loud, “Fuck it!”

She blamed it on her age, her inexperience, the fresh air, anything else other than pure lust for the three brothers. They were hot. They wanted her, and damn it, she wanted them. She wanted all of what they offered.

Then her mind, and perhaps her fear of trusting again, took over. She clenched her eyes tighter in an attempt to will the images away.

The feel of muscle beneath her fingertips scared her, and as Ben closed in behind her, the flashbacks began. She opened her eyes. She knew it was Charlie and Ben, but then her heart began to race with uncertainty. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the feel of their hands and the fact that it was Ben and Charlie touching her, but the images wouldn’t stop.

The men from New York penetrated her mind. She fought for control but lost the battle as she swore she smelled the cologne that the other men wore.

She felt herself begin to shake, and the tears started.

Charlie paused, then she felt Ben stop, but she wouldn’t open her eyes. How could she face them and admit she was so scared and weak. They would surely think she was an immature child instead of the type of woman they needed and were used to. She was certain as she clenched her eyes and tried to stop the shaking.

* * * *

“Anna, baby, what’s wrong?” Wyatt heard Charlie ask, but his attention was on Anna. She was shaking, the tears were flowing, and instantly, he knew they had pushed her too far too soon. Or maybe she was in pain.

“You shouldn’t have pulled her so hard,” Ben stated from behind Anna.

“I didn’t pull her hard. Anna, did I hurt you?” Charlie whispered as he caressed the tears away from her cheek.

“Move away from her now,” Wyatt stated, loud enough that he noticed Anna jump at his voice, then hug herself.

He slowly walked toward her but not before locking gazes with his brothers. Both looked shocked and worried that they had actually done something to hurt Anna.