She looked back toward the house where Stacy and her men were. No help there. The three of them were probably already in bed. Another bad direction. What was Wyatt doing to her?

She needed to focus and get him to see that her staying in town was no big deal. But first, she needed to diffuse the intense atmosphere around them.

“What about you? What are you doing?” She decided to try a different tactic. Making casual conversation might help to make her story more real.

“I was looking for you. Heard you were staying the weekend. Dinner is just about ready.”

“Oh…no. I’m sorry, I’m not staying—”

Wyatt raised his eyebrows in an authoritative sort of way. She was certain when he looked at a crook that way, they confessed…on their knees. She found it sexy and way too intimidating to fight.

“Are you lying to me?” he asked softly, but with such deeper meaning and control. She felt like a child being reprimanded for getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Yet her body’s reaction was completely different.

She shook her head.

He raised his eyebrows then gave her body the once-over again.

“You don’t want to lie to me or my brothers.”

His statement sent the chills through her body, but she didn’t respond. It was strange, and for some odd reason, she was turned on by his statement. The feeling came out of nowhere. It was unlike anything that she ever felt before. She wanted to challenge him. She wanted to give some sort of worldly woman retort, but none came to mind. Would he punish her for lying? Put her over his knee and slap her ass?

Fudge! Where the hell did that thought come from.

Her temperature rose, and her cheeks felt inflamed.

She took a step back.

Wyatt took a step forward.

She locked gazes with him, and before she could step away again, Wyatt was pulling her into his arms.

* * * *

Wyatt couldn’t take it. She looked so vulnerable and scared. He didn’t want to frighten her, yet he didn’t want to let her go to town. He and his brothers meant to protect her and keep her safe. With her body and sweetness, any man in town could seduce her. No fucking way were they taking a chance. This was the opportunity to get to know her and gain her trust. His brothers shared the story of her helping to deliver the calf and about her mom. He was trying his hardest to not be controlling, but it was difficult.

He held her in his arms. She was miniature compared to his own size, and the feel of her abundant breasts wedged up against his stomach increased his attraction and need to touch her. After hearing stories from Ben and Charlie about Anna and how wonderful of a person she was, Wyatt wanted to get to know her. He wanted her in every way, but still, he feared scaring her. How could he make her understand and believe that they meant her no harm but instead affection and protection?

She felt stiff and unsure in his arms. She kept her arms down by her sides as he pressed her to him. He noticed when he spoke firmly she caved in. He had the ability to get his way and to keep order and maintain the law. He never faked anything in his life. He wasn’t going to start now, and especially if Anna was their one. Perhaps their little Anna needed a firm hand combined with gentle persuasion. Ben and Charlie could be the sensitive and talkative men in this relationship. If there even was a relationship growing? They were trying, but patience was never one of his strong suits.

“Put your arms around me, Anna. I need to feel them on me,” he whispered, hoping his gut instinct was right.

The feel of her feminine hands slowly creeping around his waist increased the fire burning within him. He smirked but hid it from her.

He caressed her hips, then moved cautiously up her arms, over her shoulders, then took her face in his hands and tilted it up toward him. Her big, glossy, brown eyes stared up at him. He was done.

He imagined those big brown eyes looking up at him as he made love to her. Those luscious, plump lips sucking on his skin, his mouth, his cock.

He inhaled, trying to calm his breathing. This woman would break his control. There was only so long he would be able to wait to brand her his and his brothers’.

But he knew what a precious package he was dealing with, and it took pure mental control to not bend her over the car, pull her pants down, and fuck her into submission. She was not like other women. She was special.

Many different emotions and ideas went through his head. What should I say now? What will get Anna to open up to me?

She licked her lips, and all thoughts seized.

“I want to kiss you, Anna…can I kiss you?” he asked, as his breathing grew rapid again. This was new for him. When it came to women, he took what he wanted and what they were more than willing to give. With Anna, it was like taking baby steps, and every word, every move he made with her had to be strategic and honest. This was going to be forever. He knew it and felt it to his core.

She was silent as he began to lower himself to reach her lips.